Watch the sighting:
Caitlyn Earwaker, a 24-year-old veterinary nurse, and her family were privileged to watch a brave lechwe narrowly escape the terrifying jaws of a massive croc in a high speed pursuit in the Chobe River recently. The recorded sighting has all the thrills of a high speed car chase, and just as Caitlyn and her family held their breath while the pursuit ensued, so too are viewers of the sighting clip left on the edge of their seats.
This is because the buck, by all means, should not have made it – and yet, did!

A brave buck and a croc-infested river
The family had been on a boat cruise on the river when they witnessed this incredible sighting.
“As we cruised along the Chobe River in Botswana, we were treated to the sight of numerous animals coming to the river’s edge to drink,” said Caitlyn. “Our guide suddenly pointed out a lechwe swimming across the river. It was a peaceful scene until a crocodile emerged from the water and made a beeline for the lechwe.”
A lechwe is a large antelope with a distinctive red coat. This one was brave – or foolish – enough to attempt a swim across the crocodile-infested water. It had been going well for the buck until a croc appeared, swimming swiftly in its direction.

What ensued was a thrilling chase, which had Caitlyn and her family at the edge of their seats. Throughout the chase, they can be heard saying, “Go, go!” and “Swim, swim!” as they cheered the buck on.
“We all held our breath as the lechwe, sensing the danger, began to swim faster. The crocodile, determined to make a meal of the lechwe, hastened his pace. The lechwe and crocodile continued their high-speed chase across the river. The lechwe, with its powerful legs, was able to stay just ahead of the crocodile, but it was close.”

Crock closes in on buck
She said the crocodile, not ready to give up its prey, continued its pursuit in spite of the antelope’s swift response to its appearance in the water. “We were all amazed at the sheer athleticism and determination of both the lechwe and the crocodile.”
The tension in the air was thick as the croc closed in on the buck, pulling it momentarily under the water.
Its massive jaws flashed in the air for all to see and one could hear the disheartened sounds from the viewers who believed the buck had lost and had breathed its last.
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Crocodiles, as large reptiles, rarely hunt by actively pursuing their prey. Instead, they rely on stealth, preferring to stalk and ambush their targets. Nevertheless, they won’t hesitate to seize an opportunity if it arises.

A miraculous show of stealth and victory
All was still a brief moment as the buck disappeared beneath the water. However, in an unprecedented moment of victory the buck re-emerged – its head and body shooting up from beneath the watery surface in what can only be described as ‘unforgettable triumph’.
The antelope leapt with pure strength and determination, forcing its body from the croc’s terrifying grip. It continued to leap, with a sheer and audacious brevity, breaking through the water’s surface with its determination to live at all costs.

Lechwe are medium-to-large antelope which prefer marshes and river systems. They have specially adapted long legs that allow them to easily power through the water when pursued.
This one used its powerful legs to propel itself forwards.
“As the lechwe reached the shore, we all let out a collective sigh of relief. It was a truly incredible experience to witness such a dramatic and intense struggle,” said Caitlyn.
The moment of exhilaration was a heartening demonstration of the ‘will to live’ and this powerful drive which empowers all of nature.