Despite injuries making simple acts like drinking difficult, this giraffe defies the odds through the very act of survival.
Two wrestling crocs stole the spotlight in a rare sighting recently witnessed by Dylan Royal in the Kruger National Park.It was not immediately evident that war was breaking out beneath the water surface as Dylan and viewers observed the tranquil river setting. A croc sighting that began like any other A crocodile’s head could be…
Georgie Lawless witnessed southern masked weavers desperately try to defend their chicks, when a boomslang wrapped itself around their nests in search of an easy meal at the Ngala Private Game Reserve. An unlikely spectacle among the masked weaver nests When mentioning a masked weaver, one immediately things of the birds’ immaculate nests, which are…
Klipspringers versus wild dog pack – who will win? While it would seem the wild dogs would be the obvious winners in a confrontation between the two species, this was not the case in a memorable sighting by rangers from the Mala Mala Game Reserve. The team of rangers were privileged to enjoy an edge-of-seat…
Watch the sighting here: A sighting of a cheetah hunting impala took an unexpected turn when its intended prey ran into a vehicle. The impact damaged the vehicle and the injured antelope was unable to flee. Petrus de Kock and friends submitted their record of the event to Latest Sightings. The occurrence took place at…
Watch the sighting here: A trio of Egyptian goslings found themselves surrounded by lions in a shallow pond, where comedy soon turned to tragedy. The cubs were intent on putting their hunting skills to the test, despite the incessant honks of protest from the parent geese. Jem Harris submitted his account of the incident to…
Watch the sighting here: A male lion had a rude awakening when another male snuck up on it while it was sleeping. After exploding into action, the joke was over before it began. Submitted to Latest Sightings by apprentice field guide, Aiden Blake, the footage was recorded in Dinokeng Game Reserve. Delay causes opportunity According…
Watch the interaction here: When it muscled in on a lone hyena’s meal, a feisty monitor lizard refused to take no for an answer. Despite being at a massive physical disadvantage, the lizard’s temperament and lashing tail ensured a few tasty morsels. Nicola Marneweck recorded this peculiar incident at an undisclosed location and sent it…
Watch the sighting here: Despite an aggressive effort, a mother giraffe could not keep a clan of hyenas at bay. This, when they started to devour the body of her deceased calf. Alexandra Olivieri sent her record of the encounter to Latest Sightings. She filmed it while leading a game drive from King’s Camp in…
This female leopard gets caught in a sticky situation while hunting through some mud — a giant hippo right underfoot! Can she escape unscathed and snag a meal before nightfall? Watch the Sighting: In the heart of Mala Mala Game Reserve, Mike Kirkman and Pieter van Wyke witnessed a heart-stopping encounter as they followed a…
The scent of a fresh kill in the wild is like a dinner bell — attracting many hungry opportunists from every corner. When a lion decides he won’t share his meal, one unlucky hyena must fight for his life to escape the jaws of his captor. Watch the Sighting: Field guide Dean Robinson was responding…
These three lions got more than they bargained for when they tried to swim across a river. Watch Now: The Great Plains Conservation project sent in this sighting showing a pride of lions hugely underestimating the threat of a hippo, and paying the price. The lions were at the Selinda Reserve in Botswana, where they…
This little Temminck’s Pangolin called Dithlong (also known as Ditsi) had a whale of a time swimming! Watch Now: In this adorable video shared by the Manyoni Private Game Reserve we see Ditsi, a pangolin in the midst of rehabilitation, playfully enjoying her time in the water. Law enforcement rescued Ditsi from poachers, and the…
Alone, a ground squirrel might be outpowered in a stand-off with a cape cobra. However, Lara De Matos witnessed the power of numbers when seven squirrels – and a mongoose – took on a vehement cape cobra near the Nossob Campsite in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Lara and her family had been having lunch in…
Steve and Bee recently witnessed the unforgettable stand-off between a secretary bird and a jackal near the Kij Kij waterhole in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. It’s easy to forget how large a secretary bird actually is, however the travelers saw close-up the immense size of the bird as it pitted itself against a jackal. Secretary…
Nombekana’s safari guide, Rodney recently witnessed a showdown between a heron, a stork, a fish eagle and a croc, which contended for a single fish in the Kruger National Park. The absurdity of the showdown held Rodney and guests to the reserve’s full attention. Watch the sighting: Get our Best Sightings as they Come in…
Instead of tearing her apart, a clan of hyenas showed mercy to a seemingly fully blind and frail lioness recently on a popular road in Kruger. Nature can be really special sometimes!! The lioness didn’t react with any fear at all. She may have been completely unaware of the hyenas, or simply too weak to…
A herd of hungry buffalo progressively grazed all the way to where a lioness hid in waiting. When they finally came face to face with her, both lioness and buffalo got a huge fight. However, after the lioness had gathered her thoughts, she charged into the herd with all fury. This incredible sighting was witness…
Tourists were left feeling grateful to escape injury when zebras collided with their new Fortuner last week on the H4-2. The impact was so hard that the extent of the damage is estimated to be at R190,000. The car had 3,000km on the clock!
Watch the emotionally-charged sighting here: Visitors to the Kruger National Park witnessed a tragic story unfold when a newborn giraffe was unable to get to its feet. Over two days, the grief-stricken mother first stood by helplessly until her calf passed. Then, adding to the drama, she bravely tried to fend off various scavengers attracted…
Watch the sighting here: A female leopard proved willing to rise to great heights to secure a meal. In this startling video, the leopard precariously negotiates its way down a tree, clutching an immature tawny eagle clamped in its jaws. Ally Bradfield submitted the footage and report to Latest Sightings. She and her husband witnessed…
Watch the sighting here: Neither a brave comrade nor an angry herd of elephants could save the life of a Cape buffalo. Set upon by a pride of 22 lions, the old bull’s final stand was an epic interaction. Sent to Latest Sightings by guide Gareth van Rooyen, the drama played out at MalaMala in…
Two of Africa’s most ferocious creatures fought a pitched battle a short distance from Biyamithi Camp in the Kruger National Park.
A massive male lion went straight for a ‘free lunch’ when he spotted a vulnerable hyena cub alongside the road, in a sighting witnessed by Johan Seekles in the Kruger National Park.
When a lioness snatches a wild dog from its pack, the odds seem grim, but this clever canine has a trick up its sleeve! Watch as a daring act of deception turns the tide in this heart-pounding rescue mission.
When a desperate genet tries to outwit a young leopard, it learns that treetops aren’t always safe. Will a death-defying leap be enough to change its fate?
Experience the raw and unforgiving reality of the wild as a stealthy leopard ruthlessly pursues a distracted serval in a gripping battle for survival. Read on to find out if this predator’s strength and determination prevail.
This crocodile was just getting in a quick rest when a pride of lions ganged up on it.
A huge dead snake got posthumous revenge on a juvenile southern ground hornbill with eyes bigger than its stomach.
After a baboon attack separated them, a lone cheetah tried to rejoin its brother in hostile territory, but the baboons weren’t done with them yet.
A leopard hunting a jackal hunting a flock of doves. As unbelievable as this all sounds, this is exactly what Digital marketing strategist and wildlife enthusiast, Bertie van Greunen and his wife Ria witnessed recently at the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.
Field guide Wayne Myburgh witnessed a nyala put up a brave fight in the face of wild dogs and hippos, surviving the ordeal, before being snatched and pulled underwater by a stealthy croc.
While trapped in the jaws of a lioness, an impala lamb fought desperately against impossible odds.
A pair of leopard siblings learned the hard way, not to mess with a honey badger.
This hero warthog refuses to go down without a fight, taking on a hungry leopard and five hyenas to make it back to its burrow.
This ground-hornbill, in the course of investigating a research camera, manages to completely break it instead.
The curiosity of three lion cubs was recently held by a courageous millipede which made its way quite unperturbed across the sand in the midst of the lions in the MalaMala Game Reserve.
Unfortunately, the wildebeest is too big for one small crocodile to manage, but the second absolutely dominates them.
A determined chameleon was not about to let a boomslang get the better of him, in a sighting witnessed by Ettienne Hamman and Annemarie Hamman at the Pilanesberg National Park.
A few days ago, a leopard caught an impala on a road famous for lions, the leopard knew it had to find the safest tree to hoist it in. Just after, a hungry male lion sniffed the meal out! This video is why leopards climb trees…
How far will a male go to impress a female?
A young lion found itself precariously exposed when it was forced up a tree by an angry herd of buffalo. With no escape route, the lion could only hope that the buffalos didn’t go for the lowest-hanging fruit.
A crocodile found itself in over its head when it inadvertently bit the tail of an elephant. This remarkable interaction occurred in the Luangwa River, Zambia.
In a wild take on David and Goliath, a fearless leopard challenges a wildebeest three times its size! Witness the raw power, precision, and determination of nature’s stealthiest predator in an unforgettable showdown!
Witness a truly bizarre sighting as a man flees the safety of his vehicle after getting spooked by a bull elephant blocking the road! In a heart-pounding moment of panic, this man clearly chose flight over fight.
Witness the heart-pounding chase as a pack of wild dogs takes on two buffalo calves in a fight for survival! Will speed and strategy triumph over size and strength?
In a moment that appeared to have been pulled straight out of the lion king, an older male lion is trampled by a herd of buffalo. His pack rushes to his defence but are they fast enough to save him?
Two young leopard cubs play with an impala gifted from their mother because, due to their youth, they don’t really know what else to do with it.
When a guide spotted a wildebeest in labour, he knew that he was in for the sighting of a lifetime, so he filmed every moment! Watch all of the most special parts, including the baby’s priceless first steps!
Witness the breathtaking and rarely-seen moment when a lioness welcomes her cub into the world. This birth in the heart of nature’s kingdom is a moment these safari-goers will never forget!
A buffalo with both a strong will and a strong nose managed to drag a Nile crocodile out of the water in a memorable sighting witnessed by Dr. Marc DeBerardinis, a doctor at Petaluma Orthodontics, at the Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge.
A buck finds itself trapped in an awful situation, trapped between a pack of wild dogs, and an angry hippo which throws it around like a rag doll.
A heart-stopping battle between predator and prey unfolded on the Chobe River as a brave lechwe antelope fought to escape the jaws of a massive crocodile. Witnessed by Caitlyn Earwaker and her family, the dramatic pursuit left everyone breathless as the lechwe defied all odds to make an incredible escape.
An old leopard made a miscalculated leap when he jumped from a tree into a pride of lions, which then closed in for an attack.
This wild dog pack were all enjoying the last pieces of their catch. But while they were too focused on the food, a big male leopard managed to creep up on them like a ninja! Once the leopard marked its target, it pounced with enough strength to break a spine, but the wild dog’s family were willing to…
A pair of Blacksmith Lapwings’ spirited defence of their nest proved insufficient to deter a hungry snake. The snake, a common (or rhombic) egg-eater, ignored their protests before making off with one of their precious eggs.
They say that teamwork makes the dream work but in this special sighting by Mfundo Nyambi, a 31-year-old field guide in the Kruger National Park, teamwork did more than just that!
Watch the video here: A young spotted hyena’s life came to a premature end when it stumbled upon a large male lion. The unfortunate incident occurred occurred on the S1 Road, between Skukuza and Phabeni Gate. The accompanying footage was sent to Latest Sightings by Tanisha Rach, who had spent the day viewing wildlife in…
A lioness planning a siesta at a waterhole had her day rudely interrupted when an elephant cow arrived for a drink.
Latest Sightings recently received the concerning news that one of the white lion cubs of the Birmingham Pride has sustained a severe wound. Jaun Slabbert, founder of Ngala Way Safaris, forwarded the information and images to us. He said that he had recently seen the lion, a female, in good condition. Alarmed! As such, alarm…
A tragic scene in the Kruger National Park as an old lioness faces down a hyena clan, in what could have been her last moments.
A buffalo managed to defend its calf from a lion attack by using unorthodox methods, such as catapulting the calf into the air to get it away from the lion.
Careless baboons find themselves trapped beneath the West Street Bridge when a pride of lions takes them by surprise.
Playful hyena finds a way to pass the time at the Renoster Pan watering hole.
The expression ‘dynamite comes in small packages’ was especially true for a lizard which managed to fend off a cobra and two lionesses
A huge male lion singlehandedly took down a buffalo bull and then, after a confrontation with the herd, dragged the fallen beast across the riverbed banks in full view of field guide Louis Strauss and other viewers at the Jock Safari Lodge.
Field guide Francis Kijazi recently witnessed a blind eland walk straight into a pride of lions, oblivious to any impending danger.
After killing a young waterbuck, three cheetahs were forced to give up their hard-earned meal to crocodiles.
Trapped in rushing waters, a lone male lion finds itself surrounded by a group of nearly twenty angry hippos! In a gamble of life and death, will the king of beasts manage to outsmart the territorial giants in the water? Watch the Sighting: Steyn Jacobson is a co-owner and guide for South Post in Kruger…
A pride of lions attempts to cross a dangerously high river, but one little cub struggles more than the others to get to the other side. When the raging current sweeps it away its mother must make a daring rescue! Watch the Sighting: Callum Robertson, an experienced safari guide for Sabi Sands, was in Kruger…
Last week, we witnessed an emotional and intense moment in nature. A zebra was giving birth to a foal, but things took a dramatic turn when the herd’s stallion, realizing the foal wasn’t his, attacked both the mother and baby – right in the middle of the birth. The mother miraculously found the strength to…
A tigress prowling through the forest stumbles upon what appears to be an abandoned deer lying on the road – an effortless meal waiting to be claimed. Little does she know that around the corner, a massive male tiger lurks nearby waiting to defend his hard-earned dinner… Watch the Sighting: Vijay Kumawat, a seasoned safari…
When a leopard catches a wild dog puppy, thinking it would be an easy meal, the puppy’s pack storms in for revenge! Cornered into a tree, the leopard must put on a brave face and try its best to escape of the situation unharmed. Watch the Sighting: Stu Porter is a photographic guide and owner…
In an adorable and heart-stopping encounter, a gosling makes its way into the path of a leopard cub. Read on to learn how the gosling miraculously outwitted the leopard cub and lived to tell the tail! Watch the Sighting: Benji Solms, a guide from Serondella Game Lodge, was out on safari near a peaceful riverbank…
While the founder and CEO of Latest Sightings, Nadav Ossendryver has personally seen many impressive sightings, he recently witnessed the ‘miraculous’, when 20 lions lined up shoulder to shoulder to drink from a river in the MalaMala Game Reserve. A slow start to a final day on safari Nadav explained that it had been their…
See this incredible scene of courage in the Kruger National Park, as a baby duiker fights back against a leopard more than twice its size. Johan Seekles captured the sighting during the late morning as he headed towards the Satara Rest Camp, spotting a leopard and her cub first, before realizing the big cats weren’t…
A massive croc and a pride of lions fought for ownership of a buffalo kill within full view of Rosa Swart on her recent visit to the Kruger National Park. This unusual showdown for the prized kill was captured beautifully by Rosa, as the key players in this wildlife drama wrestled for prominence on the…
Nature enthusiast Tony Ferri witnessed two eagles attack a baby buck in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park after it had been abandoned by its herd due to an deformity. “My eyes caught sight of a herd of springbok. In the herd of springbok, a newborn lamb struggled to stand, burdened by a deformity,” said Tony. “It…
The miracle of life was witnessed by Brett Marneweck, an experienced field guide, and his fellow travelers, when an elephant gave birth within full view of their vehicle in the Sabi Sand game reserve. What made the viewing all the more special was how the elephant’s Mom came alongside the little one when he battled…
Watch the video here: A male lion’s efforts to assert dominance became an amusing spectacle when a young cheetah easily outpaced its pursuit. Ranger Kevan Dobbie and guests witnessed the interesting encounter on a game drive at Mala Mala Private Game Reserve. Congregation of big cats According to Kevan, all three of Africa’s big cats–lion,…
When an African wild dog chased a female nyala to a dam, both the hunter and the hunted had to make some tough choices. Benji Solms, a guide at Serondella, filmed the footage, which was posted on Latest Sightings on August 8, 2023. Enter stage left This pulsating encounter begins when a lone wild dog…
Authorities have urged visitors to the Kruger National Park to exercise extreme caution after heavy weekend rainfall inundated or completely washed away several roads and bridges. Affected Areas The full extent of the rainfall and the areas affected is unclear at this stage. However, it would appear from various posts on social media that flooding…
A male leopard literally ran into serious trouble when it attacked a large troop of Chacma baboons in broad daylight. Merve Mersinligil submitted the video. Latest Sightings uploaded it on August 15, 2023. Nothing to see here. Except for a leopard En route to Satara Camp, newlyweds Merve and Viktor considered themselves lucky to have…
A spotted hyena escaped death when its brave clanmates rescued it from the jaws of a male lion. Maddie Lowe sent this video displaying astonishing unity to Latest Sightings, where it was posted on August 29, 2023. Returning to the kill While visiting Arathusa Game Lodge, Maddie was on a game drive, accompanied by guide…
This little elephant remained unbowed in the face of mortal danger, and made a courageous and heroic charge for safety against impossible odds. This sighting was caught by 55-year-old paramdeic firefighter Brent Schnupp, and the rest of his safari group, as they explored an area of the Kruger National Park just north of the Mopani…
What at first appeared to be another zebra having a dust bath, turned out to be a life-and-death battle. Dayne Pattison captured the following photo sequence while on a game drive in the Kruger National Park. All is not as it seems According to Dayne, he was on a game drive near to Satara Camp.…
When lions target a helpless buffalo calf, its herd fights back with everything they’ve got. In a show of unconditional love and bravery, the calf’s mother makes a miraculous rescue – but not without sacrifice. Watch the Sighting: Gavin Brett and his family were spending the week in Thornybush Game Reserve in celebration of his…
In the heart of the wild, a blind bushbuck’s disoriented steps lead to an inevitable encounter with a stealthy leopard. The raw reality of nature’s balance comes alive in this unforgettable encounter. Watch the Sighting: Moses Bokaba was on safari with his friends in Kruger National Park, when they decided to take one of their…
When a large male elephant ripped up the road in front of a safari vehicle, it was clear who had the right of way. Watch how it digs its tusks all the way in with ease!
This hungry lioness got a pleasant surprise when its prey didn’t run or fight back, but instead just keeled over.
This leopard didn’t stop after just one warthog, but instead was hungry enough to catch all three.
This little group of lion cubs were full of energy and ready to play some games, as they began hunting their dad’s tail in the Pumba Private Game Reserve in South Africa. Cameron Schmidt, the reserve’s System Head Ranger, recorded the sighting, even capturing a rare white lion cub joining in on the game with…
Two male lions recently sneaked up on a rival male lion lion which was lounging on an airport runway in the Sabi Sands game reserve, before launching a surprise attack on him. This stunning display of male lion rivalry was witnessed by Peter Forsyth, a 24-year-old field guide. Runway sets the stage for magnificent viewing…
A wounded buffalo was dramatically saved by fellow herd members after being hunted down by young, inexperienced lions. However, his cries for help also attracted two large male lions from a rival pride, who closed in on him shortly after he stood back to his feet, this time without a chance of escape. This memorable…
When a boomslang corners a flap-necked chameleon in a tree, the unforeseen occurs in a battle of survival—proof that even small sightings in the wild can leave you breathless. Watch the Sighting: Brian Abrahamson was on safari on the Maroela Loop in Kruger National Park one day, enjoying the peaceful backdrop from the Mareola trees.…
What do a bateleur eagle, a group of vultures and two large male lions have in common? In this epic sighting by 27-year-old Nadav Ossendryver, founder of, the predatory birds and lions shared a single impala kill. Nadav was treated to a magic moment of memorable viewing when an impala carcass attracted a succession…
A large male giraffe narrowly avoided becoming the next meal of a large pride of lions. Dropping its guard to drink, the giraffe only noticed the advancing lions moments before they could press home their attack. Captured by David Sher, he was en route to Xai Xai Campsite, near to Botswana’s Chobe River. David says…
A predator became the prey, when a pride of lions attacked and killed a crocodile. The incident occurred in the Busanga Plains region of Kafue National Park, Zambia. Crocodiles are not the typical prey of lions, but when a pride of lions came across a lone croc in a wallow, it seemed curiosity got the…
In a bizarre incident recorded at Marloth Park, adjacent to the Kruger National Park, a gang of banded mongooses united to repel an attack by a Chacma baboon. According to Charmaine, she was in her garden when she saw a baboon running along, carrying a dead mongoose. She was further alarmed to see another baboon…
A rare sighting of a mother elephant with twin calves turned into a heartbreaking battle for survival when a pride of lions closed in on them. Witness the power, tragedy, and resilience of nature in this extraordinary incident at Chobe National Park. Watch the Sighting: Get our Best Sightings as they Come in Desmond Clack,…
A huge warthog recently put up an incredible fight against a determined leopard at the Sabi Sand game reserve, with Stephanie McClendon, sales manager for the Luxury Travel Company (Scott Dunn), witnessing what has to be one of the most spectacular warthog triumphs captured on film. The massive creature refused to be prey as its…
In the heart of Kruger National Park, a stealthy leopard stumbles upon an easy meal: a group of African wild dogs, fast asleep. Will the unsuspecting dogs detect their doom before it is too late? One early morning, John Fabiano and his safari group embarked on an unforgettable journey to Lower Sabie in Kruger National…
In the Kruger National Park, guide Leon Badenhorst came across an unfortunate honey badger pup that had drawn the attention of three lions where it lay in the middle of the road. Leon was near the Phalaborwa Gate when he spied the lions and settled in to watch, not even noticing the badger pup at…
A lioness used her female wiles to seduce a male lion into letting down his guard so she could steal his food, in a spectacular encounter recently witnessed by Gareth van Rooyen, a highly experienced safari guide and wildlife fanatic. The male, who fell for a moment for her feminine charm, was left high and…
An African wild dog lost its life when an adult male lion attacked it. This unfortunate incident occurred in the Balule Nature Reserve. It was submitted to Latest Sightings by guide, Nhlanhla Nkuna in February 2024. Distracted dogs Nhlanha informs us that he found a large male lion resting in the shade. As he and…
A young female warthog met a gory end recently in the Sabi-Sands Game Reserve in northeastern South Africa. Initially ambushed by a leopard, its troubles multiplied when a spotted hyena arrived. This dramatic and graphic encounter was filmed by guide, Jonathan McCormick. According to Jonathan, in the lead-up to the event, he and his guests…
The amazing strategic coordination of a pride of 22 hunting lions brought a swift end to the life of a fleeing impala. The action took place on Fothergill Island, Lake Kariba, adjacent to Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe.
Nature’s beauty and brutality were in full display when Sharon Klopper and Michelle Vagionakis and their friend Jennie witnessed a baby hippo fight for its life while viciously assaulted by a large male hippo in the Ruighoek Dam at the Pilanesberg Game Reserve.
Sometimes, the most unforgettable moments in the wild unfold quickly. This was the case for professional guide, Nic Nel, who filmed the action at Mala Mala Game Reserve in the Greater Kruger National Park. It took three lionesses several hours to subdue a Cape buffalo bull. Despite the efforts of the buffalo’s compatriots, it was…
How far will a lioness go to save her cub? This lioness surrendered an Impala carcass to a group of hyenas to save her cub from certain death.
Watch how one mighty action contributes to the balance of an entire ecosystem.
In a matter of seconds, an elephant’s fury turns a safari adventure into a heart-stopping escape, leaving tourists thankful for their lives.
Who will triumph in this spectacular safari showdown? Travis Carreira had been messaging his two friends, Maureen and Piet, all day about their incredible encounter with a leopard in Marloth Park. After his work day ended, Travis immediately set out to find the elusive big cat his friends had spotted earlier. While watching the sunset…
In the wild, a mother’s call is like a dinner bell – but it’s also a promise of safety and love. Witness an adorable reunion, and a moment of love as a lioness and her six little cubs reunite for a feeding frenzy!
There were some tense sightings for Michaela Crous in Manyoni Private Game Reserve on 16 April, 2024, when the group came across a lioness in the middle of hunting a tasty looking nyala. At first it seemed like it would be a classic predator versus prey situation, but things continued to escalate for the unlucky…
Michael Moth and his group got to see a family of playful lions at the MalaMala Game Reserve on 18 April 2024, after following the calls of the mother into a dry riverbed. The lion cubs were exceptionally young, and this was likely one of their first outings from the den. After the guides had…
The guests at the Matjulu waterhole near the Berg en Dal camp at Kruger National Park were privileged to see an incredible display of defiance and desperation on 7 May 2024. Alone, an old buffalo bull had been targeted by a pride of hunting lions.
Safari guests at Kruger National Park were treated to a sighting of two leopards playing up in the trees during the day, unusual for leopards which are typically most active between dawn and dusk. Believed to be a mother and daughter, the leopards seemed utterly unconcerned with the guests watching them. With one already high…
A wise Egyptian goose managed to outmaneuver a stealthy croc by the Crocodile Bridge in the Kruger National Park, with viewer Henco Roelofse having captured the breathtaking interplay between the two creatures.
It’s not every day that one gets to witness a showdown between a lioness and a leopard; and especially not every day that such a showdown takes place up a tree!
Seeing a leopard in a safari is always a great experience, due to their habit of being elusive, and their tendency to hunt at night, they’re rare to see during the day.
A young female leopard nearly caught an African civet, but the civet narrowly escaped, reminding us how important vigilance is in the African bush.
A water monitor’s patience paid off when it could snatch a newly hatched crocodile when the mother croc dropped her guard.
An elephant is a fantastic animal to hide behind if feeling threatened by a lioness, even if that elephant is a carcass! Just ask a hyena which sought refuge from a lioness inside of an elephant carcass, unknown to that same lioness which lay feeding off the same carcass just a few metres away!
A lion barely escaped with its life after being attacked by an irate hippo. Marietjie Emslie and her companions witnessed this remarkable encounter while visiting the game reserve.
This quiet morning drive in the Kruger soon turned into a unforgettable spectacle of predator and prey!
Even the deadly have to fear: What will happen when the king of snakes clashes with the ruler of the rivers? Read on to see how two of the most lethal reptiles battle it out.
Even though a large elephant could potentially trample a croc, and hence, crocs will typically not pick a fight with one; one determined croc made a daring gesture when he grabbed at an elephant’s truck recently at a dam in the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge.
It’s not every day that one gets to witness an act of selfless bravery. However, game viewers Carol and Bob were privileged to see how far a mother will go to protect her offspring, when a leopard mother confronted a strong lioness to protect her cubs at @andBeyondTravel Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge.
The age-old feud betwen lions and hyenas played out graphically on the H4-1 between Skukuza and Lower Sabie, in the Kruger National Park. Marissa Weide filmed the deadly encounter, which Latest Sightings shared on September 30,2024. Watch the sighting: What do they see? At the beginning of the video, we see two lionesses crouching at…
The impassioned response of a troop of baboons following a leopard kill at Singita Lebombo Lodge stirred experienced safari ranger Solomon Ndlovu to reach out to Latest Sightings.
The valiant efforts of a young male giraffe were not enough to save it from a pride of lions in Botswana’s Chobe National Park. This encounter, sent to Latest Sightings by visitor, Chris Gonsalves, was posted on September 10, 2024.
A small herd of wildebeest were caught totally by surprise when they walked into a lion ambush at Phinda Private Game Reserve.
Waterholes are a source of life in the bushveld, however, one at Sweni Hide in the Kruger National Park recently became a hive of frantic activity and destruction when a troop of cunning baboons invaded the tranquil home of a group of geese.
When a young elephant bull intervened, it saved a hippo from a harrowing experience with wild dogs.
Sometimes it pays off to be small and agile instead of big and ferocious…
In this exciting video, posted on Latest Sightings on November 13, 2024, a group of lions attempt to bite off more than they can chew. Wildlife guide, Jordan Davidson and guests already thought themselves lucky to be in the presence of two members of the Big 5.
It would be difficult to say who was the most surprised when a partially blind male leopard casually joined crocodiles in a feeding frenzy.
A playful cub with the tenacity of a curious child took centre stage in an early morning game drive, just outside Satara Camp in the Kruger National Park on 15 January this year.
Sometimes watching nature is beautiful and this sighting is no exception. Watch this cute cub helping her mother call for siblings through long grass.
These hungry lions teamed together to bring a giraffe to the ground. Would the lions risky hunt pay off?
Have nosy neighbours intruded on what you hoped would be an intimate moment with your significant other?
This incident could have been much worse.
This Rhino got stuck in the mud, and became easy prey for the hungry lion pride. An elephant tries to come to the rescue.
The baby giraffe dropped 6 ft and then proceeded to walk just minutes later. This is one of the most magical sightings to witness whilst out on safari!
Leopard’s have a huge power to mass ratio and this sighting shows this.
On a hot July afternoon in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Candice Pappin was fortunate enough to catch the activity of this gorgeous leopard while it was catching fish. Candice watched this leopard grow on the reserve, so she knew his habits well. On this particular day, she noticed the big cat had made several…
In the early morning hours of July 18, 2024, a young lion is surrounded by Buffalo and climbs a tree for safety. Cats of all species head for high ground when threatened Nic Andrew, a wildlife photographer and safari guide, observed The Mhangeni lion pride at Savanna Private Game Reserve out on a hunt during…
Katherine Gilson, Steve, and Richard Teichman and their guide, Sandiso, were given a close-up view of the formidable teeth of a hippo when a particularly large, aggressive hippo male charged and subsequently bit at their game vehicle, during a game drive at Manyoni Private Game Reserve.
A cheeky little lion cub found herself in trouble when she pushed Casper’s (her famous dad) buttons by attacking his tail! 🤭
A young hippo had a narrow escape from a pride of lions it encountered on the banks of the Sabie River in South Africa’s Kruger National Park. Suddenly surrounded, the hippo’s best defence was offence – at least until discretion proved to be the better part of valour. In a video filmed in July 2024,…
The crocodile wasn’t having any of it!
Wildebeest travel up to 1000 miles a year, this includes crossing many crocodile infested rivers. Read on to learn about this near miss!
The luxury car suffered some damage, and it was reported several more cars were damaged later on!
The speed of the current after recent rain was extremely high. This didn’t phase the lions as they jumped in.
Over 4 billion views and nearly 2 million new community members, 2024 was a WILD year for wildlife sightings! In case you missed some of the crazy videos this year, we’ve taken some of the best sightings of the year and put them all together in one video for you to enjoy. Choosing which videos…
During the heat of the day, the sighting that no one expected to have was a hippo in the middle of the road! It turns out – the hippo was also extremely grumpy and charged at the safari vehicle with its mouth wide open. He even tried to eat the car!! To escape, the guests…
A hungry serval thought it got lucky when it found an impala in a tree in Pilanesberg. Turns out the impala was expertly stashed by a leopard, and as hard as the serval tried to free the meal, it kept falling out of the tree without even getting a mouthful.
This was the moment when three male lions caught a rare brown hyena in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park — just meters away from a birding and wildlife tour guide’s tent!
Watch the incredible battle for survival at Gezantombi waterhole in Kruger National Park, where two Nile crocodiles ambush a wildebeest in a dramatic showdown.
Millions loved the sighting we shared a few weeks ago of the leopard who “failed successfully” at hoisting its impala in a tree. So, we thought we’d share a sighting of a leopard showing us exactly how it’s done!
A lost baby waterbird wobbled right into a young leopard who was playing in a riverbed. Not knowing any better the gosling had a stare down with the leopard. Then it panicked and tried to make an escape!
When hyenas noticed that this rhino was in bad condition, they looked to take advantage. So, the hyenas pulled the rhino’s tail off and started biting a hole in its backside.
The one time that lions weren’t looking to find buffaloes, an entire herd came to them! But, this honeymoon couple was too preoccupied to even bother stopping.
Share this incredible sighting with your friends: A leopard wasn’t satisfied with just one warthog. It wanted to. It wanted to take the entire family instead!
A mother elephant hastily crossed a road in Kruger National Park, leaving her baby behind. Lions spotted the abandoned calf and saw a potential opportunity.
A blinded leopard wasn’t in the mood to go hungry for another day. So it decided to risk joining 10+ huge crocodiles in their feast when he found them munching on a buck!
This puff adder, one of the world’s fastest-striking snakes, wasn’t fast enough for the king of snakes, a Cape Cobra.
When the smell of a zebra attracted all of the nearby predators, it created one of the unlikeliest situations of a lizard whipping a hyena across the face with its tail!
A lioness couldn’t resist trying to grab a massive rhino who came strolling by. But she quickly realized she couldn’t do it, so she abandoned her plans and left it up to her husband to deal with the angry rhino. It didn’t work out for him either when the rhino tried to pierce him with…
In a rare and intense display of maternal protection, an African elephant defended her young calf against an unexpected predator—a crocodile that made the unfortunate mistake of lurking too close. Known for their generally peaceful nature, elephants can exhibit fierce aggression when they sense a threat to their young. This unlucky crocodile found itself underneath…
Captured by 32-year-old safari guide Joshua Loonkushu on an evening game drive in the Maasai Mara, this thrilling sighting has left viewers worldwide in awe. Joshua, an experienced guide, revisited the Sand River area where a pride of lions had recently taken down a wildebeest. Returning with hopes of spotting the pride again, he never…
Kruger National Park is home to countless dramatic wildlife encounters, but a recent event at Sweni Hide left visitors and nature enthusiasts buzzing. In an unexpected daylight heist, a troop of baboons skillfully executed a plan to steal eggs from a vigilant group of geese. This incredible footage, captured by an observer and shared through…
In the heart of the wild, where the rhythms of life and death play out daily, an intense encounter between an elephant and a buffalo unfolds. The scene is set in a sun-dappled clearing, the air thick with tension as a herd of elephants meanders through their territory. Among them, one particular elephant, larger and…
In an awe-inspiring moment captured by 12-year-old Muhammed, nature’s raw power unfolds as a leopard ambushes a wildebeest calf in the wild. This dramatic video showcases the remarkable resilience of the mother wildebeest as she fights to protect her young against formidable odds. Viewers are left on the edge of their seats as the encounter…
In the heart of the African savanna, nature’s raw drama unfolds as a mother giraffe faces an incredible battle to protect her newborn calf from a pride of lions. The tension in the scene is palpable, showcasing the constant struggle for survival in the wild. The mother, towering above her surroundings, keeps a vigilant watch…
Tourists visiting wildlife reserves are often eager for the perfect up-close experience, but some encounters prove the importance of respecting animal boundaries. A recent viral video has captured the attention of nature lovers and safari enthusiasts alike, showing a group of tourists at a lion sighting who learned firsthand how crucial safety protocols are. Tourists…
The sun had barely risen over the Savanna Private Game Reserve when Neil Whyte, the head ranger, embarked on a morning safari that promised excitement. It didn’t take long for the thrill to begin. The pack of wild dogs, known for their relentless hunting prowess, had just finished devouring the remains of a duiker. Despite…
Graeme and his wife were exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Kruger National Park, reminiscing about their experiences in 2016 when lions congregated at waterholes during a drought. On this day, the plains were eerily empty, sparking Graeme to comment on the absence of wildlife. Moments later, their curiosity was rewarded with a once-in-a-lifetime sighting—a young…
The Unbelievable Drama at Xaranna Camp: Wild Dogs vs. Hippos An unexpected and exhilarating wildlife encounter unfolded at and Beyond’s Xaranna Camp in the Okavango Delta, and it was captured in thrilling detail by their experienced guide, Moses Lebitla. This intense face-off between a determined pack of wild dogs and a group of hippos showcased…
Be Alerted About our Best Sightings as they Come in /newsl Organ Sabiepark, 31, who works at Sabie Park near the Paul Kruger Gate, recently captured an unforgettable moment in nature that left him both astonished and humbled. With a front-row seat to the wildlife in South Africa’s renowned Kruger area, Organ describes his job…
A mother leopard took on a lioness in a desperate attempt to protect her cubs. This breathtaking encounter was captured on safari by Carol and Bob at the Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge, with their guide, Godliving Shoo. Their morning drive turned unforgettable as they witnessed the fierce maternal instincts of this leopard in the face…
In a gripping scene straight out of nature’s raw playbook, three male lions from the Sonkai Tribe find themselves facing the relentless force of the Rongai River in Kenya’s renowned Masai Mara National Reserve. Caught between their need to cross the river and the danger it poses, they wait anxiously on the riverbank, muscles tense…
Be Notified About our Best Sightings as they Come in In a scene right out of a wildlife comedy, a bold squirrel found itself face-to-face with a young leopard in a tree—and instead of escaping, it decided to playfully taunt the fierce predator! This remarkable encounter, captured on safari by Piet Van Wyk, head ranger…
In a rare and jaw-dropping encounter, ground squirrels and a mongoose joined forces to fend off a venomous Cape cobra, each determined to protect their young. This dramatic wildlife moment unfolded at the Nossob Campsite in the heart of Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, providing an unforgettable experience for those lucky enough to witness it. Have you…
After catching the biggest impala it could find, this young leopard quickly learned that it had only completed half the job. Hoisting it into a tree was going to be another mission entirely! On its third try, it ends up failing in the most perfect way possible!
In a hilarious viral moment, a group of unsuspecting tourists got the surprise of their lives when a curious monitor lizard decided to sneak up on them in their tent! Captured on video, the encounter shows the massive reptile stealthily approaching, giving the campers a good scare (and the internet a good laugh). Here’s how…
Louis Le Roux (61) was on vacation at Gharagab in the Kgalagadi National Park when this incredible sighting unfolded. Kraai (my wife and best friend of 41 years) and I, were booked into a cabin at Gharagab. On our arrival at 2pm the camp was quiet and it was cooking hot. During the evening we…
In the heart of Kruger National Park, Gavin Ellard, a devoted wildlife enthusiast, captured an extraordinary moment at Pafuri Border Rest Camp. A relaxing day by the pool for Gavin and his family turned into an unexpected wildlife spectacle that no one saw coming. It was a warm winter’s day during the August long weekend…
Be Notified About our Best Sightings as they Come in In a heart-stopping encounter captured on camera, a newborn giraffe barely learning to walk faced off against a hungry lioness and a lurking hyena. This dramatic showdown unfolded in the Olare Motorogi Conservancy, Masai Mara, Kenya, leaving wildlife enthusiasts worldwide in awe. Wildlife photographer and…
If you think you’ve seen it all in the wild, think again. In a jaw-dropping sighting at the Entabeni Game Reserve in the Waterberg, a pride of lions seized a rare opportunity to attack a crocodile basking on land. This incredible encounter was witnessed by 15-year-old student Connor Dawes and his family, leaving even seasoned…
On a family trip to Kruger National Park, Dean Grant, a 25-year-old Finance and Operations Manager in the construction industry, witnessed a rare and intense predator-prey encounter: a pride of lions attacking a hippo. Although he’d grown up visiting game parks, Dean shared, “We had never seen anything like this. Rangers told us they would…
Be Notified About our Best Sightings as they Come in In Botswana’s Chobe River, nature’s raw drama unfolded as a lechwe, a large red-coated antelope, attempted to cross crocodile-infested waters in search of greener pastures. As the lechwe swam, a crocodile, hidden beneath the surface, spotted its potential meal and launched a high-speed pursuit. This…
In the heart of Etosha National Park, an extraordinary wildlife encounter unfolded as a black rhino became trapped in a waterhole, surrounded by a pride of hungry lions. This rare event took place at the Aus waterhole, witnessed by Kim Hathway, a consultant broker for Discovery, who was left stunned by the intense scenes that…
Watch our Best Sightings as they Come in In an incredibly rare and heart-wrenching moment witnessed in the wild, a pride of lions seized an opportune moment to hunt a newborn giraffe, while its mother put up a valiant fight to protect her calf. This extraordinary sighting showcases the raw dynamics of nature’s survival instinct…
Sometimes, the most unforgettable moments in the wild unfold quietly. This was the case for one lucky family driving through Kruger National Park on the S114. They were simply enjoying the wildlife—a few impalas here, a flock of spurfowls there, and even a family of warthogs scurrying across the road. Little did they know, they…
Watch our Best Sightings as they Come in In the heart of the Zambian wilderness, during a punishing drought, nature’s hierarchy played out dramatically as a pack of wild dogs captured a buffalo. But this feat wasn’t the end of their adventure—lions nearby had different plans. Mark Winckler, a seasoned safari guide with Classic Zambia,…
A mother leopard having to defend her cubs will do anything, even if it means putting her own life in danger. This leopard mom went headfirst against a lion for the small chance of saving her babies. This was hands-down one of the bravest and most selfless acts we’ve seen in the wild, and we…