On a hot day in the Pafuri Border Rest Camp, visitors spotted an African fish eagle trying to steal a crocodile’s dinner. Unfortunately for the eagle, the croc was having none of that and went to get its dinner back!
Poolside Entertainment
Gavin Ellard and his family had been resting in the camp’s pool when they heard splashing coming from the Luvuhu River. They realised that they were hearing a crocodile get its dinner!
Although they thought most of the action was already over, Gavin still pulled out his phone- you never know what wildlife will do! At the start of the video you can just about make out our would-be thief to the right on the river bank as the camera pans to focus on the crocodile.

Would-be Thief!
Gavin and his family were more interested in the croc, not noticing the eagle until it swooped in and grabbed the fish and flying right over the crocodile! When the croc realised what had happened it gave chase, driving the eagle up the river bank where it was forced to drop the catch.

This got people’s attention, with people watching the altercation happening in the river. You can hear people in the video shocked at what they were seeing, letting out “oohs” and gasps.
The crocodile took back the fish and began to move away. There is a moment where the eagle looks like it is debating fighting the crocodile for the fish but it, wisely, decides not to.

Details on the Culprit.
So why on earth would an eagle make such a bold move? Especially when it is tiny compared to the crocodile (which appears to be a Nile crocodile) weighing maybe 2-3.6kg (4.4-7.9lb) depending on if it was a male or female, compared to the crocodile’s mighty weight of 225-750kg (500-1,100lb)!

Eagles, whilst seen as a very noble bird, are also opportunistic hunters, especially when it comes to good food. It also won’t surprise you that an African fish eagle has quite the taste for, well… fish.
It’s likely that the eagle saw the crocodile’s size as being to its advantage. If the eagle could get the fish on land the crocodile wouldn’t be able to get up to its top speed and the eagle could make a quick escape.
The big problem comes when you realize that eagle wings can’t generate enough lift when they’re wet- they just get too heavy. Because of this, although eagles can kind of swim in water, it’s only enough to get them to the shore and no more.

The Plan Falls Apart.
When the eagle reached shore, it couldn’t get up and go, giving the crocodile time to retrieve its dinner. The eagle was lucky that the crocodile was preoccupied with the fish, as it was vulnerable while its wings were drying.
Maybe this is a good reminder to us all that, even when things seem calm near the park’s waters, don’t get too close or disturb the peace- or the crocs!