Watch this amusing encounter here:
Aidan Rademeyer submitted this amusing interaction to Latest Sightings. The footage, captured by an Africam remote camera, showcases the scened at Naledi Game Lodge in the Balule Game Reserve.
Me Time
As the video begins, we see a lioness enjoying some “me-time” next to a well. She appears entirely relaxed, perhaps needing a break from her pride.

She had no idea her moment of tranquillity was about to face a major interruption.
Wait! What was that?
Suddenly, the lion lifts her head and looks away from the camera, her ears cocked in alarm. Although, at this point, the lioness can’t see what has caused the disturbance, the camera zooms out to reveal an approaching elephant.

The elephant is heading directly towards the well, behind which the lion is resting. And, judging by the elephant’s joyful stride, it seems to be rather looking forward to a nice cool drink of water.
Something stinks!
The elephant’s advance comes to an abrupt halt. And, we can tell by the way that it lifts its trunk that it has caught the lion’s scent.
But, because the lion is obscured by the well, it cannot see just how close the smelly cat is. Furthermore, elephants don’t have great eyesight, so while the cat is stationary, there’s a good chance it remains unseen.

The lion is equally perplexed, trying to figure out what has disrupted its lazy afternoon. Being an opportunistic predator though, she remains hidden while assessing the situation.
But I’m thirsty

As we saw earlier, the elephant was obviously looking forward to quenching its thirst, so it dips its trunk into the well and drinks.

Still uncertain about the source of the worrying scent, it remains somewhat on edge. See how it has fanned out its ears and lifted its head to appear larger.
Not The Planned Quiet Drink
As the video progresses, the elephant shows clear signs of tension. It sniffs the air cautiously, shuffles its feet and is generally skittish.
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Moments later, it apparently spots the nearby lion. As a result, it lashes out with its trunk towards the threat and, in the process, sends a torrent of water towards the lion.

That’s not cool!
While the water that sprayed it was probably cool, the lioness didn’t think much of the elephant’s sudden outpouring.
In seconds, she disappears from view, eager to get away from this pesky intruder.

As for the elephant, she is in no mood to tolerate the presence of the lion. Raising herself to her full height, she first threatens the lioness, before following up with a mock charge accompanied by trumpeting.
The lion is long gone by this stage…
Lions vs Elephants
Lions and elephants share no love for each other. In this instance, the stand-off remained one-sided as the lion quickly yielded to the larger pachyderm.
However, in certain areas, particularly where lion prides are large, they have evolved specialist hunting techniques to bring down even adult elephants.
Also, when the opportunity arises, they will target calves if they can separate them from the protection of the herd.
When solitary lions are surrounded by elephants, it often doesn’t end well for them. Elephants have been known to trample and throw lions about in an apparent fit of rage.
At best, one can call the relationship between these two members of the Big 5, an uneasy truce.