Home Wild Dogs Leopard Paralyzes Wild Dog in Seconds as Pack Fights Back

Leopard Paralyzes Wild Dog in Seconds as Pack Fights Back

This wild dog pack were all enjoying the last pieces of their catch. But while they were too focused on the food, a big male leopard managed to creep up on them like a ninja! Once the leopard marked its target, it pounced with enough strength to break a spine, but the wild dog’s family were willing to…

Steve Bebington
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At the world-famous MalaMala Game Reserve, an unfortunate African wild dog was the victim of a leopard’s ambush. Making it all the more unbelievable, it took place within meters of the rest of the dog’s pack.

Expert safari rangers, Mrisho Lugenge and Mike Kirkman filmed both angles of this sighting that we used in our edit.


Piecing together the drama, the wild dogs were feeding on a recent kill. Possibly drawn by the commotion, or just by chance, a large male leopard made a stealthy approach.

Wild dogs feeding in long grass.


From a different perspective, we can see the leopard approaching.

Leopard approaching.

Whenever the dogs would lift their heads or turn away, the leopard would inch closer.

Consequently, and thanks to its phenomenal camouflage, the leopard was able to get within meters of the nearest dogs.

Now you see me…
Now you don’t…

Moving off..?

To everyone’s relief as soon as the leopard crept within striking distance, the unaware dogs miraculously moved off out of harm’s way. But it wasn’t enough to dishearten the leopard who kept waiting patiently for another opportunity.

Fatal mistake

And it wasn’t long before one of the dogs returned! Perhaps looking to pick up some scraps of food. Unaware of the spotted cat’s presence, it unwittingly walks right into the ambush.

Below, we see from a different perspective, the moment the attack was launched.

A matter of seconds

Using surprise, speed, and massive strength, the leopard was onto the dog, quickly pinning it down for a mauling.

Help quick to arrive

As wild dogs live in closely-knit packs, other members rush to the aid of their fallen comrade within just three seconds.


Without a moment’s hesitation, the dogs launch a counter-attack in a frantic bid to rescue their compatriot.

Consequently, while the mauling continues, the dogs bite the leopard all over its body.

The dogs eventually manage to force the leopard to release their packmate. However, when it doesn’t get up, it becomes clear that it has been injured by the leopard.

Good riddance

Having lost its prize, and heavily outnumbered, the leopard flees with the dogs hot on its heels.

Meanwhile, the injured dog continues to writhe and whimper on the ground.

Are you ok?

With the threat dealt with, members of the pack return to check on their comrade. Despite their excited calling and encouragement, it seems the leopard has caused a mortal injury.

According to Mrisho and Mike, the dog soon succumbed to its injuries, thought to include a broken spine.

Fled to safety

As leopards often do when they sense danger, the big male had taken refuge in a large tree. Once safely settled, it looked down at its pursuers.

For the dogs, they could only wait at the base of the tree, hoping for the chance to avenge their fallen warrior.

As one of Africa’s most endangered large predators, the loss of this individual is significant. Less than 7000 survive in the wild today, in highly fragmented populations across east and southern Africa.

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