Home Lion Rhino Stabs at Male Lion With its Horn

Rhino Stabs at Male Lion With its Horn

A lioness couldn’t resist trying to grab a massive rhino who came strolling by. But she quickly realized she couldn’t do it, so she abandoned her plans and left it up to her husband to deal with the angry rhino. It didn’t work out for him either when the rhino tried to pierce him with…

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Jordan Davidson has guided many safaris in the bush, but this sighting even took him by surprise during one of his recent game drives.

How it All Began

Lions are known to rest and relax during the middle of the day, and this day was no different for three big, and beautiful young lions. There were two females and a male specifically, and they’re all believed to be around five years old.

Everything seemed to be in place for another typical, fantastic, lion sighting. However, this time would prove to be more fruitful…

Rhino Strolls Into Lions

A rhino came strolling into the picture, looking for some fresh grass to graze on. Nothing had happened but just the rhino’s sheer size, and the presence of the two species being together, made it all so exciting.

Lions have a strong understanding of their limitations, and even for the three of them together, taking on a large white rhino would be a massive risk. Everyone on the safari could see this too, so, even with all the excitement, there wasn’t really any expectation of something more happening.

That was until the rhino walked right up to where the lions were relaxing! Rhinos don’t have the best eyesight, so it likely couldn’t see anything from far out, but the lions’ smell was suspicious for the rhino, so it kept investigating.

Eventually, the rhino was so close that it made one of the lionesses uncomfortable! She ran off and for good reason, the rhino could see clearly now and already had a defensive stance.

Lioness Tries to Grab Rhino

The second lioness had more of an opportunistic eye, as the rhino was chasing her sister away, she went into a pouncing position and waited for her shot. She didn’t have to wait long, as the rhino quickly decided that it would be best to make a U-turn and head the other way.

After launching for the rhino’s rump, it didn’t even take a second for the lioness to realize that she was in over her head. She immediately let go and abandoned ship, all the while, the now very grumpy rhino was turning around to face them.

With both lionesses out of the picture, the only thing that stood in the rhino’s way was the poor male lion! Having a stare down with an animal that is bigger than some family-sized cars can only be daunting, but amazingly the lion’s first instinct wasn’t to run!

Male Lion Face Rhino Head-On

No, the lion walked right up to the rhino to meet it head-on! This was unquestionably brave, but considering just how long the rhino’s horn was, it didn’t seem like the greatest of ideas.

Without much surprise, the male lion ended up learning the same lesson as the female just before him, but not before the rhino tried stabbing at it, twice! And only missing marginally both times!

How Everything Ends

Realizing how lucky he was, the lion bolted away into the bushes, and the rhino took the chance to run the other way, bringing one of the wildest lion and rhino interactions that we’ve seen to an end.

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