Home Animals Buffalo Mom Sacrifices Herself to Save Baby 

Buffalo Mom Sacrifices Herself to Save Baby 

Share this incredible sighting with your friends:When lions target a helpless buffalo calf, its herd fights back with everything they’ve got. In a show of unconditional love and bravery, the calf’s mother makes a miraculous rescue – but not without sacrifice.  Watch the Sighting:  Gavin Brett and his family were spending the week in Thornybush…

Michaela Fink
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When lions target a helpless buffalo calf, its herd fights back with everything they’ve got. In a show of unconditional love and bravery, the calf’s mother makes a miraculous rescue – but not without sacrifice. 

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Gavin Brett and his family were spending the week in Thornybush Game Reserve in celebration of his dad’s 80th birthday. Twenty-one family members from across the world had come together for this adventure, making it even more special.

Early on Sunday morning, the family set out for an unforgettable adventure.

The family first stopped at around 6:20 am to observe a herd of buffalo but were quickly distracted by a sighting of a lion pride shared over the radio. Since the lions were spotted nearby, they decided to move on and drive a short distance to the new location.

Lions on the Prowl

Just before 7:00 am, the lions decided to go back on the move, and Gavin’s family decided to follow. Coincidentally, they all ended up back near the herd of grazing buffalo, likely due to the lions picking up their scent.

The family watched tensely as the lions closed in on the herd, coming especially close to a buffalo calf – their easiest target. Suddenly, one of the lionesses took her shot and pounced on the buffalo calf!

As the lion pride came over to investigate their potential meal, one small lion cub cautiously emerged from the bushes, making the encounter even more exciting. Although it seemed like it was game over for the poor calf, the buffalo herd had not given up on it.

A Bold Rescue Plan 

A group of bulls from the herd all came together and attempted to chase off the lions, but the lions would not give up their meal so easily. The buffalo and lion pride took turns chasing each other, both driven by loyalty and survival instincts.

While buffalo may lack the sharp claws of a lion, their sheer size and deadly horns make them formidable opponents.

Eventually, the mother of the helpless calf had enough of the chasing. Driven by her maternal instincts, she ran into the pride, fiercely fending off the lions.

Gavin and his family watched frantically, unsure of what would happen next!

The Shift of Focus

The mother’s daring rescue paid off, as the calf had just enough time to escape. Unfortunately, now all of the attention from the lion pride was directed to her – they were not leaving without a meal.

The mother scrambled and tried to make her way back to the safety of the herd, but the lions demonstrated exceptional teamwork. In an instant, five lions lunged at her with calculated precision, bringing her down in a blur of claws and fangs.

For a while, some of the bulls attempted to scare off the lions, but to no success. One bull even managed to come so close that it was slapped across the face by a lioness!

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As chaos ensued around him, one male lion managed to hold onto the throat of the mother, a move that ended up causing the lions to succeed in securing their meal.

A Mother’s Love

In the wild, few forces rival the ferocity of a mother protecting her young. It is always smart to give a great distance if you stumble upon a mother animal in the wild, this is because mothers can be especially unpredictable in their behaviour if they feel their young are threatened.

Gavin and his family witnessed this unbreakable bond firsthand as a buffalo mother risked it all, proving love knows no bounds—even in the face of certain death.

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