It was incredible to see these 3 lions and 3 hyenas trying to take down a large buffalo. Watch how the buffalo turns to take its frustration out on a nearby vehicle!!
Kerry, a well-known guide in the park, for Kruger Pride Safaris, shared her footage with Latest Sightings.

“It was absolutely crazy!! At 9:15 am, 3 young lions were trying to pull down a buffalo with 3 hyenas. By 9:44 am, the sighting was still chaotic: the buffalo had managed to break free, but the lions and hyenas continued to follow it. They ended up about 700 meters west of the junction, where the buffalo attacked several cars. It was the most amazing hunt I’ve ever witnessed.”

“That poor buffalo managed to escape from 3 lions and 3 hyenas. At noon, one of the other guides reported that the lions were resting while the hyenas kept trying. Another guide at 2 pm, said there were no lions, hyenas, or buffalo, so I’m not sure how it ended. The buffalo also took the front grill of an Audi!”

Sabeeha and Reyhana Moolla were in the Audi when it happened. They also shared their footage.

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“We were watching the buffalo when, out of nowhere, lions appeared and went into hunt mode. We watched these lions attempt the hunt, and suddenly the buffalo turned around and charged our vehicle. It smashed right into our hood, leaving pieces of the grill on the ground and blood splattered on the car. We were in shock when it happened but afterward felt so exhilarated to witness such a crazy sighting. We often come to the park, but this was one of the firsts.”

This sighting was shared in real-time on our platform, so our community was able follow the events as they happened.
Amazingly, days later, we still haven’t received a report of a kill in the area, so it looks like the buffalo might have really gotten away. Incredible!