Home Animals Unstoppable Hippo: Watch the Moment It Chases and Bites a Jeep

Unstoppable Hippo: Watch the Moment It Chases and Bites a Jeep

Katherine Gilson, Steve, and Richard Teichman and their guide, Sandiso, were given a close-up view of the formidable teeth of a hippo when a particularly large, aggressive hippo male charged and subsequently bit at their game vehicle, during a game drive at Manyoni Private Game Reserve.

Heather Djunga
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Katherine Gilson, Steve, and Richard Teichman and their guide, Sandiso, were given a close-up view of the formidable teeth of a hippo when a particularly large, aggressive hippo male charged and subsequently bit at their game vehicle, during a game drive at Manyoni Private Game Reserve.

An unexpected close encounter

The group had just witnessed an amazing cheetah sighting with a mother and her three cubs and were filled with anticipation as they were driven by Sandiso along a road that passed through a riverbed. The hippo was easy to spot, standing in the middle of the dusty road despite the midday sun, which is harsh on a hippo’s sensitive skin.

It didn’t take long for the guide to identify the animal as one of the larger, more irritable bulls in the area. Hippos are also highly territorial and can become aggressive when threatened, which makes them one of Africa’s most dangerous animals. These qualities set the stage for an edge-of-seat viewing experience.

An alarming turn of events

The hippo slowly began walking toward the jeep. As the group filmed, Katherine nervously asked, “Sandiso, what’s he going to do?” While Sandiso explained, the hippo’s slow pace suddenly turned into a fast trot, and it started charging after the vehicle.

Katherine could be heard urgently yelling, “Go, go, go!” As the hippo came dangerously close, some panicked words escaped the group. Yes, however lazy or heavy they appear, hippos can in fact run, reaching up to 40 miles per hour!

A heated chase

When you combine their speed with their weight it can make for a frightening encounter. The weight of a big male hippo like this one can reach a staggering 4,500 kg.

The hippo opened his enormous mouth, displaying his terrifying teeth—an unmistakable sign of dominance. Hippos are known for their remarkably large teeth: their front teeth (incisors) can grow as long as 1.2 feet, and their canines (tusks) can reach up to 1.5 feet, making them the largest teeth of any land mammal.

Just to ensure that the intruders never came back again, he bit at the vehicle, while the nervous travellers used words that only come out when one is severely pressed, stressed and alarmed. The group knew they were on his turf, and he made sure they understood it too.

After making his point, the hippo moved aside, and putting foot to gas, the driver of the jeep steered the vehicle on towards safety. In the moment that followed, there was a brief silence before nervous laughter filled the air. “Did you get that?” one of the men asked to the person filming the incident.

A lesson never to forget

This terrifying encounter was an experience that none of them would ever forget – even Sandiso, who has probably seen all kinds of things in the wild!

Hippos are among the most powerful – and dangerous – creatures in Sub-Saharan Africa and are responsible for around 500 human deaths annually in the region. A recent incident involved a British couple on a river safari on the Kafue River. Their canoe was capsized by a hippo, and the husband, Roland Cherry, was nearly killed in the attack. In subsequent news reports, Cherry described the moment as ‘a massive crash, much like a car crash’.

Experts urge safari-goers to give hippos plenty of space and respect their territory. A yawning hippo, for instance, isn’t tired… it’s issuing a warning by showing off its massive teeth.

It’s also a good thing this hippo didn’t get a bite out of one of the travellers. A hippo’s powerful bite force is around 2,000 PSI Pounds Per Square Inch), far stronger than a human’s 126 PSI, and an adult lion of 650 PSI.

While hippos may seem adorable and cuddly, this story highlights how much respect these magnificent creatures deserve!

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