Watch the Sighting:
Sebastian Sakala, a seasoned safari guide, led his group on safari on an unforgettable game drive in Lower Zambezi National Park. The group had decided they wanted to pursue a pack of wild dogs in hopes of witnessing their ruthless hunting skills.

They first watched as the pack successfully made a kill hunting a herd of impala, ravaging their meal and resting their full bellies. The feast was short-lived, however, many hungry mouths still needed feeding.
Sizing up the Stampede
As the dogs rested and licked their blood-stained coats, a new opportunity approached on the horizon: a herd of buffalo. Eventually, the pack made their move, chasing the herd and triggering a stampede!

The pack managed to isolate one of the young calves and took turns viciously biting it to wear down the poor victim. The calf put up a strong fight, calling out in distress and using its hooves and horns to fight back.

Divide and Conquer
Just as the first calf weakened, the pack made a bold move. Splitting their forces, they set their sights on a second calf. The wild dogs expertly divided their efforts, now hunting two calves simultaneously—a rare and daring tactic.

Eventually, the calves were so worn out they collapsed to the ground as the wild dogs began to feast on them alive. Sebastian and his group knew that it was over when they finally stopped hearing the distressing calls from the victims.
Pack Tactics
Since wild dogs lack the terrifying jaws of big cats, they must rely on their teamwork to take down larger prey. Packs tend to hunt at dawn or dusk, using their eyesight to their advantage.

Additionally, the spotty colouring of their coats allows them to deceive their prey, making the pack looking larger than it actually is! When the dogs begin their chase, the alpha will pursue the target with two pack members following closely behind to catch the prey if it begins to move away.
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Once the prey is isolated, the pack will pull it apart. With larger prey items, the dogs will have to chase their target until it collapses from exhaustion.
The coordination of wild dogs is quite incredible and allows them to hunt animals that are five times their size!
A Memory to Last a Lifetime
Although it was a difficult sight to watch, the group was in awe at the extraordinary event that had just taken place in front of them. Even Sebastian, an experienced guide, had only witnessed wild dogs hunting buffalo once before!

“The chase was amazing! Quite rare, as this was only my second in my career.”
This rare encounter serves as a reminder of the unfiltered reality of survival in the wild, where strategy, teamwork, and instinct determine life and death. Sebastian and his group were privileged to witness such an intense and rare moment while on safari!