The unbelievable display of motherly love and bravado was witnessed by Benji Solms, a guide at Serondella Safari Lodge.

Lions scale tree to claim free meal
A pair of leopards had taken an impala carcass up a tree, thinking the tree would provide a safe refuge from which to eat their meal without being disturbed.
However, they had not anticipated that a mother lioness and her cubs would be able to scale the base of the tree and get to the kill, which was resting in a fork of the tree.

The mother and her cubs settled in the tree for a feed. This magnificent sighting was in and of itself a spectacular find. However the temperature was about to be turned up!
In the African bush, meat is currency and a host of creatures are attracted to a kill. A clan of hyenas gathered at the base of the tree. These opportunistic scavengers were hoping to get a free meal.

The lioness didn’t seem too worried about their presence. She had more than likely seen hyenas many times at the site of a kill.
However, the cubs were not as at ease with the presence of the hyenas and it’s not hard to understand why. The scary faces and snarls, and whooping of the clan no doubt was more than just a little intimidating to the young animals.

Fearful cub tries to make a run for it
One of the cubs was so intimidated by the hyenas, he believed he had to get away from them, even though he was safe in the refuge of the tree. , Seeing what he thought to be the perfect escape opportunity, he leapt down from the tree, planning to make a run for it!
However, as soon as he landed on the ground, he found himself surrounded by the entire clan. A hyena isn’t necessarily a friendly looking creature on the best of days; and this clan of hyenas showed teeth, and flashed snarls; meaning business.
The cub must have realised he had made a detrimental mistake leaping from the tree!

A life and death situation
He did his best to put on a brave face, and to show teeth; perhaps roar. However, it was clear he was fear-stricken. Surrounded by the hyenas, he stood frozen.
Owing to their scavenger status, the power inherent in a hyena’s bite is often overlooked. However, hyenas have some of the most powerful jaws in the animal kingdom.
The spotted hyena possesses an exceptionally strong bite, delivering a force of 1,100 PSI (pounds per square inch). This makes its bite more powerful than that of lions and tigers.

‘Mom’ makes a plan
However, just when he thought it was all over, the cub’s Mom came to the rescue. Without a moment’s hesitation, she dropped the carcass between the cub and the hungry hyenas.
It worked! The hyenas instantly turned their attention from the helpless cub to the meat in front of them.

Lioness puts hyenas in their place
However, she didn’t stop at that. She jumped down from the tree, landing right in front of the hyenas, making it clear who was boss.

Brood of hungry hyenas move aside to cash in on free meal
The hyenas took the lioness’ ‘death stare’ as their cue to leave the scene. Taking the impala carcass with them, they ran towards a nearby bush.

Like a bunch of gossiping schoolgirls, they huddled over their tasty meal.

Safe at last
The fearful cub was safe thanks to Mom, who was no doubt relieved, even if her quick-thinking had cost her and her cubs’ a meal. While this lioness didn’t give her cub a talking to, he no doubt learnt a lesson he will never forget.