Watch the Sighting:
Mrisho Lugenge, a game ranger at MalaMala game reserve, was leading a safari in the eastern region of Kruger National Park. His guests were particularly keen to catch a glimpse of some of the big cats that MalaMala is famous for.
Upon leaving the camp, one of Mrisho’s teammates reported that they had discovered some lion tracks in the central part of the game reserve. The group promptly set off to follow the tracks, but upon arriving to the site, they discovered that the target of the search had already been found!
A Delightful Discovery
As Mrisho and his group joined the sighting, they discovered that the lion they had been seeking was, in fact, a pregnant lioness! The group observed the female in awe, but quickly realized that some of her behaviours were a little odd.

The female had gotten up and was wandering around the bush as if looking for something. Next, she would periodically lie down and shift herself, as if uncomfortable.

With her belly exposed, Mrisho noticed that the lioness’s belly was moving! He added two and two and quickly deduced that she was actively in labour!

A Miracle Emerges
As the lioness readjusted herself once more, she began aggressively licking herself. Mrisho and his guests mistakenly interpreted this as grooming, but when she turned around a cub hung in her mouth!

The safari-goers sat frozen in amazement, their breaths stolen by the sheer magnificence of witnessing new life unfold before their eyes! This incredible mother had seemingly managed to give birth with barely any effort!

In the end, the mother walked into the drainage line nearby, seeking a more concealed place to bond with her new baby. Mrisho made the ethical decision to leave the sight and give the mother the space she needed for her and her cub.
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Respecting Nature’s Boundaries
Even when experiencing a once-in-a-lifetime sighting, it is important to know when to give space to wild animals. Human presence usually adds an extra amount of stress to any situation, especially a situation as intense as giving birth.
Mrisho and his group were extremely fortunate to have witnessed such a rare and beautiful sighting. They were able to leave their safari trip knowing that they did the right thing by giving the mother and baby the peace they needed.
Pregnancy in the Pride
A lion’s pregnancy lasts less than half the time of a human’s, at 110 days on average. As they approach birth, a lioness will remove herself from her pride and seek coverage in dense thickets to avoid detection from predators.

A litter size can range from one to six cubs, with two cubs being the most common. Cubs are born blind and incredibly helpless, requiring full attention from their mothers and intensive protection from predators.
Only until they can see and walk, lion cubs will remain separated from their pride.
Due to the elusive nature of expectant mothers, Mrisho’s sighting was even more extraordinary. Everyone at the sighting will carry this moment with them forever!