A lion barely escaped with its life after being attacked by an irate hippo. Marietjie Emslie and her companions witnessed this remarkable encounter while visiting the game reserve.
Drama on the riverbank
In the video, filmed at some distance using a mobile phone, we hear Marietjie and friends excitedly describe how a hippo has attacked a lion.

While the mauling continues, we can see that two other lions are present. They too seem bewildered at the unfolding events.
What’s up, Mr Hippo?

Although we cannot tell for certain, there is a strong likelihood that this is a male hippo. In the water in the foreground, we can see the heads of other hippos–possibly his herd.
Hippos, particularly males, are highly territorial. They have little tolerance for intruders in their realm.
Also, hippos are particularly skittish when out of water. And this may explain the hippo’s heightened aggression.
Deadly jaws
A hippo’s natural defences include its size (well over a ton for both males and females) and its thick hide (about 6 centimetres over most of the body).

Furthermore, hippos have surprisingly large canines for herbivores. Upper and lower canines average around 40 and 50 cm respectively.

After enduring a severe mauling, the lion is finally free. We can make out blood on the head and forelimbs but this does not stop the lion fleeing for its life.

Time for a breather
With the first lion dispatched, the hippo pauses on the river bank. Hippos are not built for stamina but their hot temperament could well fuel prolonged aggression.

As if to prove the point
Almost as if it suddenly remembered the other two lions present, the hippo sets off in search of them. Hippos do not have good eyesight but when it does spot one of the lions nearby, it does not hesitate to charge.

Lions on the run
As one lion flees, the hippo spots the other one and gives chase. Although determined, it doesn’t stand much chance of catching the frightened lions.

Hippos can attain a top speed of 30-45 km/h and are not agile. Lions are both agile and faster (up to 80 km/h).
A point well made

Considering its bulk and that this takes place during the day, it is remarkable how much energy the hippo is prepared to invest in seeing off the lions.

One cool cat
Amusingly, if you watch the video closely, you’ll notice that there is a fourth lion present. It is lying with its back to the action–totally unbothered.
At one point, it even looks over its shoulder to see what all the noise is about, before going back to sleep.

Fourth lion –>
Complete disbelief
In the commentary made by Marietjie and her friends, they frequently express their disbelief. What they may not realise is that hippos are said to be responsible for more human deaths than any other mammal in Africa.
Should you encounter a hippo, particularly if it is out of water, do not approach it for a closer look. Back away slowly and calmly, ensuring that you do not get between it and the water.
Note that hippos will also attack from the water, so always be careful when approaching water known to.
Fate unknown
We do not learn the fate of the injured lion in the video, although the bystanders do remark that it is covered in blood.
However, we do know that injured lions will struggle to hunt or keep up with their pride. Without food or the security of its group, the chances of survival are slim at best.