Home Animals Watch Leopard and Hyena Break Warthog Apart

Watch Leopard and Hyena Break Warthog Apart

Share this incredible sighting with your friends:A young female warthog met a gory end recently in the Sabi-Sands Game Reserve in northeastern South Africa. Initially ambushed by a leopard, its troubles multiplied when a spotted hyena arrived. This dramatic and graphic encounter was filmed by guide, Jonathan McCormick. According to Jonathan, in the lead-up to…

Steve Bebington
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A young female warthog met a gory end recently in the Sabi-Sands Game Reserve in northeastern South Africa. Initially ambushed by a leopard, its troubles multiplied when a spotted hyena arrived.

This dramatic and graphic encounter was filmed by guide, Jonathan McCormick. According to Jonathan, in the lead-up to the event, he and his guests found a leopard while out on a game drive. He says it was moving from one termite mound to the next to determine whether any were occupied.

After finding nothing initially, the leopard’s behaviour changed when it discovered an inhabited termite mound. At this point, no one knew what was inside the burrow on the side of the mound. Various animals dig into termitaria, including aardvarks, porcupines and, as it turned out, warthogs.

The leopard settled in to wait. As it happened, it did not have to wait long. After a few minutes, the head of a young female warthog emerged; oblivious to the danger that lurked nearby.

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Jonathan says that as it did so, the leopard struck with speed and precision and bit into the side of the warthog’s head. Despite the surprise assault, the hog anchored itself in the burrow entrance.

But only for a short while… Pound for pound one of the strongest animals around, the leopard used its brute strength to haul its prey from the hole. Traumatised by the turn of events, the warthog began squealing for its life.

The leopard–a female–then rolled the pig onto its back, managing to shift its grip to the throat. By doing so, it hoped to silence and suffocate its next meal. However, it seems that the warthog’s squealing had already attracted the attention of a nearby scavenger. From behind the termite mound, a spotted hyena charged into the melee.

Weary of the preoccupied leopard, it made several attempts to grab hold of the warthogs’ hindquarters. Ultimately, the hyena managed to bite the warthog on the right hip. As soon as it did so, it began to use its massive upper body strength to wrestle the prey from the predator.

Shockingly, instead of doing so, the hyena essentially ripped the skin off the entire back leg of the unfortunate warthog. The warthog, now bleeding heavily from its head injuries, tried in vain to face the new aggressor, only to have its efforts stymied by the leopard.

As the guests gasped in dismay, the wily hyena managed to circle to the back of the hog and continue its attack. Several times, we hear the onlookers being asked if they are okay watching the gruesome spectacle. Awed by the raw spectacle before them, no one opts to leave. Gripped by a leopard at one end while being savaged by a hyena at the other, the warthog’s fate was sealed. However, Nature proved to be a cruel mistress as the profusely bleeding animal clung to life.

Ultimately though, death followed. But, in yet another twist in the tale, the leopard had to relinquish its prize when a second hyena arrived. As the video ends, we see the two hyenas tearing at the carcass.

Often misportrayed as cowardly scavengers, hyenas are capable hunters. They live in tight matriarchal social groups called clans, with strong bonds between them. This video is a great example of both their courage and teamwork.

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