Lone lion emerges in all his majesty
Louis explained how the day of viewing began: “We were following a male lion close to the Biyamiti river.”
The solitary lion showed no signs of fear or vulnerability as he commanded the attention of the spectators.

The lion could be seen making his way running across a ridge in the bushveld, picking up pace as he neared a herd of buffalo which were peacefully grazing near to the river.
Louis said they could visibly see the mighty creature’s predatory instincts kick in as soon as the buffalos came into view. The lion crouched down and began stalking the unsuspecting herd.

By the time he closed in on them, they were unaware of his nearness and there wasn’t time to get away.
“With a burst of speed, the lion ran into the midst of the herd. He was able to latch onto one of the herd members, and the two of them went tumbling down the river embankment.”

Lion pulls buffalo to the ground
The lion pulled one of the colossal creatures to the ground, and after a brief wrestling match, could be seen dragging the animal towards the riverbed.
The weight of the buffalo was evident as the lion staggered slightly and showed some strain in trying to move him to an area where he could settle down for a feast.

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However, the buffalo herd wasn’t about to take the lion’s victory lying down. They gathered in numbers, first to observe what was happening, and then to approach the lion.

One of the buffalos boldly confronted the predator, using his horns as a wrecking ball and charging towards the lion.
“The rest of the buffalo herd immediately turned on the lion, trying to chase him away from their fallen comrade. But the lion was not deterred, and he returned to the buffalo to finish the job. As a guide, I have seen many incredible things in my time in the bush, but this was truly a sight to behold,” said Louis.

The lion did initially move away after a buffalo charged, however, returned to his kill soon after. It was clear he meant business and he wasn’t about to leave without enjoying the spoils of his victory.

Lions are incredibly strong animals, with powerful jaws and massive muscles that allow them to take down prey much larger than themselves. They are also able to drag carcasses long distances. This is an important adaptation for lions, as it allows them to keep their kills safe from scavengers.

An incredible display of power and strength
This lion had in mind to move the buffalo to somewhere where he could eat relatively undisturbed. So, in full view of spectators, he began his journey with the carcass, and as a gym heavyweight might, heaved the mammoth form across the sandy banks.

This was an impressive display of raw power. Muscle and sinew, and zeal worked together to accomplish the magnanimous effort.
“In the end, the lion was able to single-handedly drag the buffalo carcass across the entire riverbed and proceeded to feed on his hard-earned meal in the shade of some nearby bushes,” said Louis.
This epic display of power and strength was another reminder of why the lion is called the King of the Jungle.