Home Animals Unlucky Buffalo Falls Victim To Multiple Lion Prides

Unlucky Buffalo Falls Victim To Multiple Lion Prides

Share this incredible sighting with your friends:A wounded buffalo was dramatically saved by fellow herd members after being hunted down by young, inexperienced lions. However, his cries for help also attracted two large male lions from a rival pride, who closed in on him shortly after he stood back to his feet, this time without…

Heather Djunga
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A wounded buffalo was dramatically saved by fellow herd members after being hunted down by young, inexperienced lions. However, his cries for help also attracted two large male lions from a rival pride, who closed in on him shortly after he stood back to his feet, this time without a chance of escape.

This memorable scene of nature’s power and brutality was captured by wildlife photographer Joe Welman, while on a safari drive in the MalaMala Game Reserve.

Large bull alive and surrounded by hungry lions

Joe and his fellow travelers set out early one morning for a game drive, eager to find the resident pride of lions that call this reserve home. “Little did we know that we were about to witness something that only happens once in a lifetime,” he said.

They drove deep into the reserve, and there within clear view was the pride of lions they had longed to see. However, they weren’t alone – they had managed to injure and pull down a large buffalo bull.

The bull was still very much alive and in clear distress. As these lions were young and inexperienced, they had been unable to kill the bull, biting at the poor animal, but not sure how to deliver the fatal blow.

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The buffalo’s continuous bellows penetrated the landscape, and provided chilling viewing. He was determined not to give up, in spite of his predicament.

He continued to cry out, knowing his herd was nearby and understanding they were his only hope of escape.

Buffalo herd comes to the rescue

For a brief moment, some of the buffalo herd members rushed back to the injured buffalo bull, showing solidarity and a glimmer of hope. They charged at the lions, flashing impressive horns and courage.

Their concern for their wounded herd member was moving but it was clear that they were aware of impending danger as their presence in the clearing by their friend was fleeting.

The wounded buffalo eventually staggered back to his feet, believing he had been saved. His injuries were by no doubt many, however, the determined fighter stood up dazed and shaking.

A dramatic twist in the tale

Any illusions the wounded buffalo had about being saved were soon shaken.

It seemed his desperate cries for help hadn’t just attracted assistance from his fellow buffaloes. There were other animals in the area who had been alerted by his distinct and heartfelt bellows.

It’s around this time the drama was turned up a few notches and the scene became a heated cesspool of action. A coalition of male lions from a different pride made a dramatic entrance – bolting into the scene of action with the speed of lightening.

Their appearance was quite unexpected and thrilled the spectators who had not anticipated their entry.

The wounded buffalo, still dumbfounded by the recent attack by the younger lions, was a clear target for the older, more experienced lions. They thundered towards him and plunged onto his back, pulling him back to the ground, and closing in on the kill.

These lions knew how to deal the fatal blow.

The younger lions retreated. They weren’t about to take on these two big boys.

Lion coalitions, such as the coalition of these two male lions, form through complex social interactions shaped by factors such as family ties, age, and relationships.

By forming these bonds, they enhance their ability to defend territories and increase reproductive success. Such partnerships allow males to cooperate in protecting their domain from rivals and improving their chances of fathering cubs.

A reminder that ‘nature’s balance can be harsh’

The triumphant male lion duo settled for their feast. It was a scene of tragedy and a reminder of how ‘nature’s balance can be harsh’, in Joe’s words.

“In the wild, every moment is a test of survival. Nature’s balance can be harsh, yet it is essential for the delicate balance of these ecosystems.”

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