Home Lions Lion Destroys Hyenas Distracted by Eating a Hippo

Lion Destroys Hyenas Distracted by Eating a Hippo

Hyenas feasting on a hippo get ambushed by a lion in this incredible sighting captured by a ranger in Northern Sabi Sands. Watch the video now!

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These hyenas thought they hit the jackpot when they found an entire hippo.
But, while they were too focused on the food, a big male lion started ambushing them…

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Jordan Nell, an experienced ranger, was adventuring through Northern Sabi Sands when he came across an incredible lion-hyena-hippo sighting and shared it with Latest Sightings.

“These 2 male lions are known as the Mantimahle males, descendants of the mighty Mapogos. We found them crossing in from the Manyeleti game reserve in the Northern Sabi-Sands (Buffelshoek).”

“We tracked those lions and were busy following them and did a loop around to get ahead of them.”

Jordan and his companions followed the male lions closely, watching their every move. The lions strolled through the bushes but suddenly perked up as they spotted something not too far away. Jordan shifted his focus and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

“We actually stumbled upon that dead hippo and hyenas feeding on it just by chance.”

The group witnessed three hyenas feeding on a hippo. The two male lions did as well and were quick to take action and approach the scene. The lions were so silent and hidden that the hyenas didn’t notice them—until it was too late.

Like lightning, one of the hyenas managed to escape. Sadly, the other two weren’t as fortunate.

Hyenas don’t normally take down hippos and tend to stick to scavenging for food. It’s likely this hippo was already dead, or that a different predator killed it. However, a large enough clan of hyenas might be able to attack a weak hippo.

“The lions didn’t even think twice before killing 2 of the hyenas and claiming their prize. A true display of brute strength.”

Hyenas and lions are natural competitors, so lions will take any chance they get to remove the scavengers from the equation. Lions are significantly stronger than hyenas, so they can easily take down and kill them.

After the hyenas were successfully taken care of, the lions relished their new feast of an entire hippo and two hyenas. The kills were more than enough to satisfy the hunger of the two male lions.

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