The Puff Adder is renowned as one of the fastest-striking snakes in the world. However, this particular individual was not quick enough to escape the Cape Cobra!
Get our Best Sightings as they Come in
The Build-Up to The Sighting
During an eventful safari in Kgalagadi, wildlife enthusiast Gabi Hotz encountered a scene she never expected. With the trip nearing its end, Gabi set out for one final drive.
She was hoping to catch a last glimpse of a lioness and her cubs she knew were in the area. While scanning the bushes with high hopes, her patience was rewarded with an entirely different spectacle.
Finding a Snake on Safari
The sight of any snake during a safari is rare, and while scanning through the bushes one of the coolest snakes found in the park, is the cape cobra.
To make things even more interesting it had something sticking out of its mouth! It was something unusual, and far bigger than a typical small rodent or bird catch.

Cannibal Snake
To Gabi’s amazement, the cobra was eating another snake! It was a deadly puff adder!

She watched how each muscle worked together to swallow to puff adder centimeter by centimeter…

There is so much to learn anytime that we visit nature, and this was certainly motivation enough for Gabi, who went on the read about how cape cobras love to eat other snakes.