The new year got off to the worst start possible for this black rhino, who found itself the focus of a hungry pride of lions in Etosha National Park on 9th January 2024. Like any animal on a hot Namibian day, this rhino jumped at the opportunity to cool off at a watering hole, desperate enough that it ran the gauntlet of the powerful predators nearby.
As the hungry lions took an increasing interest in the overheating rhino, it displayed a strange lack of fight or flight response, remaining in the watering hole. The lion pride began to close in, no doubt already licking their lips at what appeared to be a guaranteed feast.

Watch the sighting:
The Cavalry Has Arrived
Unfortunately, the poor rhino was trapped in the deep mud and unable to escape the closing noose of feline teeth as the lions queued up for an easy meal. It turns out that the tasty looking rhino wasn’t quite served up on a silver platter though, as hope prevailed with some of the most remarkable saviors we’ve ever seen.

Trumpeting in the fashion of a truly heroic cavalry charge, the elephants were big and strong enough to scare away the lions. While much of the herd thought this was enough, one elephant in particular decided to take it one step further, by actually trying to free the rhino from its muddy prison.

Empathetic Elephants
Elephants are unique in the animal kingdom due not only to their intelligence, but also because of their emotional complexity. Just like humans, elephants maintain a common family structure with females remaining with the herd until they pass away, and males leaving when they reach adulthood.
This allows elephants to form powerful social bonds with each other, have friends and, importantly for the black rhino, feel empathy towards others. Elephants are actually considered to be one of the most empathetic animals in the world, and we can see that manifest in the way this kind animal did everything within its considerable power to try and save the trapped rhino.

Lethal Lions
While elephants might be renowned for their kindness, lions are not. One of the most dangerous predators of the savanna, their prey includes other animals both large and small.
A rhinoceros is an incredibly dangerous animal in its own right, with strength and weaponry enough to make even a lion hesitate. But trapped and unable to use those weapons effectively, the rhino is too tempting to resist and so many hungry lions encircle it that it almost can’t be seen.

The Lion King
Full grown adult male elephants aren’t usually on the lion’s menu, and just by its presence our hopeful helper is able to keep the hungry lions at bay. Despite the rhino’s future looking bleak, the elephant is reluctant to leave it to its fate and remains by its side for as long as it possibly can.

Unfortunately, the elephant is unable to do much to help the stricken rhino, and ultimately it can only watch from atop a nearby hill as the poor thing is mercilessly drowned. Despite the size and strength of both elephants and rhinos, the lion remains king of the savanna.
Danger at the Watering Hole
While it might be rare for lions to hunt animals as large and well defended as a black rhinoceros, they are ambush predators, and a trapped animal makes for the perfect prey.

One of the best places to lie in wait is near water, as all animals will come to it sooner or later. Potential prey must always keep their guard up, as while they’re enjoying a nice drink, other animals are making plans for a nice meal.