Home Animals Watch: Hippo Saved From Wild Dog Attack By Elephant

Watch: Hippo Saved From Wild Dog Attack By Elephant

When a young elephant bull intervened, it saved a hippo from a harrowing experience with wild dogs.

Steve Bebington
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Guide Moses Lebitla captured this unusual encounter for Latest Sightings at Xaranna Camp in the Okavango Delta on August 30, 2024.

All seems quite innocent

To begin with, we see a pack of wild dogs vocalising with their high-pitched chattering call. Nearby, hippos gather around a small waterhole.

Due to their size, people generally consider hippos too large for wild dogs to target–although some records show them killing Cape buffalo.

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Why all the chatter?

The dog’s chattering signals their excitement as they hype one another up to hunt. However, no typical prey appears, so the behaviour didn’t make sense.

In any event, we don’t have to wait long to learn the the wild dogs are actually planning to attack the hippos.

Step 1: Create chaos

In the image above, we see the dogs charge straight at the hippos, creating panic as the hippos scatter.

This strategy divides the herd, eliminating the unity of the hippo’s defensive plan. In addition, it allows the dogs to identify any weaknesses among the hippos.

Step 2: Isolate the target

Ultimately, the pack manages to isolate one of the hippos. They proceed to surround their quarry to prevent its escape.

Step 3: Harass and harm

In typical wild dog fashion, the pack now take turns to run at the hippo while trying to bite it on the hind legs. They do this to tire and weaken their prey with an accumulation of injuries.

Attempted escape

After a while, the hippo seems to realise its size advantage and attempts to run away. The dogs, however, are relentless in their pursuit.

Step 4: A standoff

Lacking much stamina, the hippo doesn’t go far before it turns to face its adversaries. See how it uses threatening gape gestures to warn off the dogs.

In any event, the hippo again loses its nerve and attempts to escape. The tireless dogs stay hot on it’s heels.

As the hippo flees, it passes a small group of elephants at a mud wallow.

The hippo then seeks support from another seemingly larger hippo. However, this doesn’t deter the dogs.

Enter the elephant

All the commotion becomes too much for one of the elephants, who decides to put an end to the raucous shenanigans.

With ears spread and trunk raised, the young elephant bull charges to the rescue.


Kicking up dust and trumpeting loudly, the elephant scatters the dogs–allowing the hippo to slip away and rejoin its herd.

What led to this?

The Okavango Delta where the incident took place, experiences seasonal flooding from October to March. The water gradually recedes, and by August, when this incident occurred, water becomes scarce.

As both water and food resources grow scarce, it causes stress amongst the local wildlife and leads to unusual behaviours.

Perfect storm

In this instance, we have a “perfect storm” as various factors contribute to atypical behaviour by several species.

The hippos venture out of the water in broad daylight. The absence of smaller prey for the wild dogs in the vicinity. And, grumpy elephants.

You win some, you lose some

As it happens, there are winners and losers. The hippo survives unharmed. The young elephant got an ego boost, while the dogs gain nothing for their efforts.

This all goes to show that in Nature, the only predictable thing remains its unpredictability.

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