Showing page 2 of 2 of 31 posts.
Falcon Catches Dove in Mid-Air
A falcon swoops in on a group of unsuspecting doves only to catch one in mid-air and enjoys its hard-earned meal!
Jackal Mom Desperately Rescues Pup After Eagle Catches It
This was the absolute definition of “right time, right place” – as a jackal mom desperately rescues her pup after an eagle catches it.
Leopard Risks it All at Extreme Height to Raid Eagle’s Nest
In this nail-biting moment, a leopard risks it all at an extreme height to raid an eagle’s nest. The eagle finally succumbs to the leopard’s grasp after a proper tussle.
3 Hungry Birds and Crocodile Fight Over 1 Fish
This incredible scene unfolds when an eagle, a stork, a crocodile, and a heron fight over 1 fish! Who will get away with this nutrient-rich prize?
Eagle Ambushes Hare From the Air
Eagles are spectacular birds of prey and famous for their hunting methods – this eagle ambushes a hare from the air and gets to enjoy its meal!
Hawk Tries to Kill Cuckoo Bird
This vicious hawk tries to kill a cuckoo bird and doesn’t let it get off lightly. At one stage the feathers were literally flying….
Eagle Rips Lizard’s Eyes Apart As it Tries to Escape
Even though martial eagles are the largest of the eagles in Africa, it doesn’t make catching one of Africa’s largest lizards any easier.
Eagle & 2 Jackals Hunt the Same Buck
Being hunted is bad enough, being hunted from the ground and the air is even worse! While this poor steenbok ran for its life, he was hunted by two jackals from behind as well as an eagle from above!
Snake Eagle Ripping Snake Apart As it Tries to Escape
This is the moment a Brown Snake Eagle was doing what it does best, catching a snake! But this Puff Adder, as injured as it was, was still trying to escape.
Eagle Catches & Fights Baby Warthog
You should always stop for the little things, because you never know where a sighting might lead! Here is an incredible sighting of a live kill!
Hawk Rips Head off Baby Bird
This is the intense moment an African Harrier Hawk was caught raiding a weaver’s nest to steal one of the chicks as an easy meal.