

  • Top Epic Safari Animals

    Top Epic Safari Animals

    Discover the top epic safari animals spotted in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Get ready for a wild adventure with our sightings compilation!

  • Fish Escapes Death Twice in 1 Second

    Fish Escapes Death Twice in 1 Second

    This fish was just the luckiest, as it escaped the beak of a bird and the teeth of a lizard all in a matter of seconds!

  • Lizard Runs off with a Baby Crocodile

    Lizard Runs off with a Baby Crocodile

    A monitor lizard spots a crocodile mother looking after her babies. The lizard waits for the exact moment the crocodile lets her guard down and steals a tiny baby croc!

  • Mongoose Rips out Lizard’s Eyes

    Mongoose Rips out Lizard’s Eyes

    A very brave mongoose tackles a lizard, and the fight goes back and forth in the middle of the road until one eventually wins. Book a Safari to the Greater Kruger Maitseo Matlou captured the incredible footage and shared it with LatestSightings.com. “We had been driving for quite some time with not much to see.…

  • Eagle Takes Lizard Flying

    Eagle Takes Lizard Flying

    A martial eagle successfully hunts and catches a large lizard, he looks for a more peaceful tree, so carries the lizard and flies away.

  • Python Drags Huge Lizard by the Face

    Python Drags Huge Lizard by the Face

    A python constricts a giant lizard in the open, only to realize it is being watched. It then drags its kill to enjoy in some nearby bushes.

  • Lizard Manages to Fend Off Lions and Cobra

    Lizard Manages to Fend Off Lions and Cobra

    2 lions bump into a snake on the road and treat it cautiously. A lizard appears out of nowhere, distracting the lions from the retreating snake.

  • Lizard Makes Kruger Campers Tent its New Home

    Lizard Makes Kruger Campers Tent its New Home

    A couple grows attached to a Rock Monitor Lizard that joins campers makes itself at home in their tent. During their 5-week stay at Satara, the charismatic lizard used the tent as a new shelter and brought endless wonder and amusement to the couple that embraced their unique house mate.