Showing page 3 of 3 of 46 posts.
How To Make Your April Fool’s Joke Go Viral!
Were you one of the millions who saw the Sloof Lirpa’s incredible sighting of the elephant helping a lioness carry her cub? Were you fooled?
Lioness Rescues Her 6 Cubs
Elephants noticed lionesses with their cubs and chased them away! The mothers were able to find all but one, the cub that was left behind.
Lioness Escapes from the Kruger National Park!
A lioness escaped from Kruger yesterday and Mario made sure she would return safely! He called authorities and immediately they came to the rescue.
The Moment 20 Lions All Drink in Perfect Unison
This is the magical moment a pride of 20 lions lined up one by one next to each other, to have a drink from the Sabie River.
First Sight of a Wild Dog Den at Kruger
Sightings of wild dogs plummet during August, as it is denning season, but Corne didn’t have trouble as he knew exactly where the den was.
Lion parades around with GoPro