

Showing page 2 of 2 of 28 posts.

  • Leopard Catches Impala Mid-Air!

    Leopard Catches Impala Mid-Air!

    This must be one of the most text-book hunts ever seen! A leopard spotted a herd of impala, took its time and struck!

  • Cheetahs and Hyenas Eat Impala Alive!

    Cheetahs and Hyenas Eat Impala Alive!

    Sometimes, nature is not for the fainthearted. It can all seem so cruel how predators eat their prey, but nature is nature and it doesn’t have feelings.

  • Leopard Jumps on Impala From Tree!

    Leopard Jumps on Impala From Tree!

    This sneaky leopard hid silently in a tree before jumping on its unsuspecting prey from above. The predator is almost impossible to see as it blends in with the tree.

  • Hyena Indirectly Saves Impala from Leopard

    Hyena Indirectly Saves Impala from Leopard

    This leopard is famous for her hunting skills at this waterhole in Kruger. But today, a hyena ruined the plan for an easy meal!

  • Impala in a Catch-22 Between Hippo and Wild Dog

    Impala in a Catch-22 Between Hippo and Wild Dog

    This exciting three-way encounter takes place when an impala is caught in an unlucky catch-22 between hippo and wild dog.

  • Cheetah Kills Impala That It chased Into Car

    Cheetah Kills Impala That It chased Into Car

    These cheetahs spotted a herd of impala and gave chase, now watch what they do after they chased an impala into a car.

  • Leopard Surprises Impala With a Quick Kill!

    Leopard Surprises Impala With a Quick Kill!

    As a few unsuspecting buck pass by this incredibly well-camouflaged predator, one of them was about to meet their fateful end…

  • Body Slam Cheetah Kill!

    Body Slam Cheetah Kill!

    I knew the cheetahs were around so I sat & waited… The cheetah gave chase! I couldn’t believe the photos I had just captured!