Eagle Catches & Fights Baby Warthog
You should always stop for the little things, because you never know where a sighting might lead! Here is an incredible sighting of a live kill!
Black Mamba Tries to Escape Crocodile
Watch a black mamba take on a crocodile in this incredible video captured in Kruger National Park. Who will come out on top?
Lioness Flirts With Male just to Steal his Food
Lioness uses seductive tactics to steal food from male lion in the wild. Watch the incredible footage captured by a wildlife fanatic on
Watch this nonstop and dramatic back and forth action that occurred when a pride of 30 lions targeted a thirsty herd of buffalo. The herd comes back and tries its best to rescue the calves of the herd. This exhilarating sighting was captured by 62-year-old, David Pinkernell, a retired Hewlett Packard employee who enjoys traveling…
10 Lion Cubs vs 1 Buffalo Calf
10 lion cubs pick on a buffalo somewhat their own size! This was a fantastic life lesson for the cubs, on the art of hunting.
Baby Buck Headbutts Leopard Persistently To Try Escape
A cute baby nyala goes head to head with a leopard! Persistently head-butting it in an effort to escape!
Lioness Eats Her Own Cub
A lone lioness bites her cub’s head off after playing with it and cleaning it. Does she eat it or does she just leave it? Book a Trip to the Ngorongoro Crater Klaus Boehmer captured this very sad sighting and shared it with The Ngorongoro Crater, located in Tanzania, is home to many species…
Lioness Bites Her Cub’s Head Off
A lone lioness bites her cub’s head off after playing with it and cleaning it. Does she eat it or does she just leave it? Book a Trip to the Ngorongoro Crater Klaus Boehmer captured this very sad sighting and shared it with The Ngorongoro Crater, located in Tanzania, is home to many species…
Impala Tries to Escape Lioness While She Eats It
A lioness catches and eats an impala while it’s still alive. The impala struggles silently to break free from the lioness’s grip.
Eagle Rips Tortoise Apart in Road
A sad ending for an unlucky tortoise that becomes not only roadkill but also a meal for a group of tawny eagles.
Crocodile Fights and Eats Crocodile
A huge crocodile caught and started attacking a smaller croc that was in its way. The smaller crocodile fought back, thrashing around in an attempt to break free, but it was over.
Hyena Hangs from Lion’s Jaws
A male lion drags a lifeless hyena, and feeds on its carcass. The eerie sight will give chills to even the bravest souls.
Wolf Bites Elk’s Butt
A wolf bites incessantly at an antelope’s butt, hoping to take it down eventually. ?
Leopard’s Gym Workout: Pull-Ups with a Buck
A hungry leopard struggles to claim his prize from being stuck in a tree and makes a swinging fool of himself.
Falcon Catches Dove in Mid-Air
A falcon swoops in on a group of unsuspecting doves only to catch one in mid-air and enjoys its hard-earned meal!
Impala Plays with Leopards
A mother leopard brings back an impala lamb for her youngsters to practice hunting on. At this point, the leopards treat it more as a playmate.
Black Panther Drops Kill When it Sees Normal Leopard
What is better than seeing an elusive leopard? Seeing a rare black leopard. These predators came face to face in an attempt to claim a kill!
Wildebeest Escapes Small Croc to Swim into Jaws of Monster Croc
A wildebeest drinks at a waterhole and a calf is grabbed by a croc. It escapes the small croc only to swim into the jaws of a massive croc.
Hyenas Try Pull Lion Off Buffalo By Its Tail
A brave hyena tries to pull a lion off a buffalo by its tail while it’s being eaten alive.
Frog Fights for Life in Snake’s Jaws
A spotted bush snake ambushes and delivers a fatal blow to a frog twice the size of the snake’s head. The frog fights for its life in the snake’s jaws while the snake tries to swallow it whole.