

  • Eagle Catches & Fights Baby Warthog

    Eagle Catches & Fights Baby Warthog

    You should always stop for the little things, because you never know where a sighting might lead! Here is an incredible sighting of a live kill!

  • Black Mamba Tries to Escape Crocodile

    Black Mamba Tries to Escape Crocodile

    Watch a black mamba take on a crocodile in this incredible video captured in Kruger National Park. Who will come out on top?

  • Lioness Flirts With Male just to Steal his Food

    Lioness uses seductive tactics to steal food from male lion in the wild. Watch the incredible footage captured by a wildlife fanatic on LatestSightings.com.



    Watch this nonstop and dramatic back and forth action that occurred when a pride of 30 lions targeted a thirsty herd of buffalo. The herd comes back and tries its best to rescue the calves of the herd. This exhilarating sighting was captured by 62-year-old, David Pinkernell, a retired Hewlett Packard employee who enjoys traveling…

  • 10 Lion Cubs vs 1 Buffalo Calf

    10 Lion Cubs vs 1 Buffalo Calf

    10 lion cubs pick on a buffalo somewhat their own size! This was a fantastic life lesson for the cubs, on the art of hunting.

  • Baby Buck Headbutts Leopard Persistently To Try Escape

    Baby Buck Headbutts Leopard Persistently To Try Escape

    A cute baby nyala goes head to head with a leopard! Persistently head-butting it in an effort to escape!

  • Lioness Eats Her Own Cub

    Lioness Eats Her Own Cub

    A lone lioness bites her cub’s head off after playing with it and cleaning it. Does she eat it or does she just leave it? Book a Trip to the Ngorongoro Crater Klaus Boehmer captured this very sad sighting and shared it with LatestSightings.com. The Ngorongoro Crater, located in Tanzania, is home to many species…

  • Lioness Bites Her Cub’s Head Off

    Lioness Bites Her Cub’s Head Off

    A lone lioness bites her cub’s head off after playing with it and cleaning it. Does she eat it or does she just leave it? Book a Trip to the Ngorongoro Crater Klaus Boehmer captured this very sad sighting and shared it with LatestSightings.com. The Ngorongoro Crater, located in Tanzania, is home to many species…

  • Impala Tries to Escape Lioness While She Eats It

    Impala Tries to Escape Lioness While She Eats It

    A lioness catches and eats an impala while it’s still alive. The impala struggles silently to break free from the lioness’s grip.

  • Eagle Rips Tortoise Apart in Road

    Eagle Rips Tortoise Apart in Road

    A sad ending for an unlucky tortoise that becomes not only roadkill but also a meal for a group of tawny eagles.

  • Crocodile Fights and Eats Crocodile

    Crocodile Fights and Eats Crocodile

    A huge crocodile caught and started attacking a smaller croc that was in its way. The smaller crocodile fought back, thrashing around in an attempt to break free, but it was over.

  • Hyena Hangs from Lion’s Jaws

    Hyena Hangs from Lion’s Jaws

    A male lion drags a lifeless hyena, and feeds on its carcass. The eerie sight will give chills to even the bravest souls.

  • Wolf Bites Elk’s Butt

    Wolf Bites Elk’s Butt

    A wolf bites incessantly at an antelope’s butt, hoping to take it down eventually. ?

  • Leopard’s Gym Workout: Pull-Ups with a Buck

    Leopard’s Gym Workout: Pull-Ups with a Buck

    A hungry leopard struggles to claim his prize from being stuck in a tree and makes a swinging fool of himself.

  • Falcon Catches Dove in Mid-Air

    Falcon Catches Dove in Mid-Air

    A falcon swoops in on a group of unsuspecting doves only to catch one in mid-air and enjoys its hard-earned meal!

  • Impala Plays with Leopards

    Impala Plays with Leopards

    A mother leopard brings back an impala lamb for her youngsters to practice hunting on. At this point, the leopards treat it more as a playmate.

  • Black Panther Drops Kill When it Sees Normal Leopard

    Black Panther Drops Kill When it Sees Normal Leopard

    What is better than seeing an elusive leopard? Seeing a rare black leopard. These predators came face to face in an attempt to claim a kill!

  • Wildebeest Escapes Small Croc to Swim into Jaws of Monster Croc

    Wildebeest Escapes Small Croc to Swim into Jaws of Monster Croc

    A wildebeest drinks at a waterhole and a calf is grabbed by a croc. It escapes the small croc only to swim into the jaws of a massive croc.

  • Hyenas Try Pull Lion Off Buffalo By Its Tail

    Hyenas Try Pull Lion Off Buffalo By Its Tail

    A brave hyena tries to pull a lion off a buffalo by its tail while it’s being eaten alive.

  • Frog Fights for Life in Snake’s Jaws

    Frog Fights for Life in Snake’s Jaws

    A spotted bush snake ambushes and delivers a fatal blow to a frog twice the size of the snake’s head. The frog fights for its life in the snake’s jaws while the snake tries to swallow it whole.