

Showing page 6 of 10 of 195 posts.

  • Hyena Pushes Wild Dogs into Lions

    Hyena Pushes Wild Dogs into Lions

    A lone hyena pushes wild dogs into lions and runs away. The wild dogs are cornered . How will they escape?

  • Old Buffalo Outsmarts Lions in a Battle of Life and Death

    Old Buffalo Outsmarts Lions in a Battle of Life and Death

    A lone Buffalo outsmarts lions and survives an attack from the whole pride by using a crocodile infested river to his advantage.

  • Giraffe Gives Lions a Ride!

    Giraffe Gives Lions a Ride!

    Lions love giraffes, because it is a massive meal that can last sometimes up to a week! But, this just looks like the giraffe was not giving up….

  • Lioness Eats Her Own Cub

    Lioness Eats Her Own Cub

    A lone lioness bites her cub’s head off after playing with it and cleaning it. Does she eat it or does she just leave it? Book a Trip to the Ngorongoro Crater Klaus Boehmer captured this very sad sighting and shared it with LatestSightings.com. The Ngorongoro Crater, located in Tanzania, is home to many species…

  • Lioness Bites Her Cub’s Head Off

    Lioness Bites Her Cub’s Head Off

    A lone lioness bites her cub’s head off after playing with it and cleaning it. Does she eat it or does she just leave it? Book a Trip to the Ngorongoro Crater Klaus Boehmer captured this very sad sighting and shared it with LatestSightings.com. The Ngorongoro Crater, located in Tanzania, is home to many species…

  • Lions Play Tug of War with Warthog Trying to Escape

    Lions Play Tug of War with Warthog Trying to Escape

    3 lions play tug of war with a warthog when they try to take it out of its burrow on the side of a termite mound.

  • Cornered Crocodile is Forced to Attack 5 Lions

    Cornered Crocodile is Forced to Attack 5 Lions

    These lions left their waterbuck scraps lying around, which a crocodile thought was an easy meal. But, no, these lions weren’t giving up their scraps so easy.

  • Blind Eland Walks Into Hunting Lions

    Blind Eland Walks Into Hunting Lions

    A blind eland walks into hunting lions that are busy stalking it. When the eland hears the lions run in on it, it’s too late.

  • Lion Tries Running Faster than Cheetah

    Lion Tries Running Faster than Cheetah

    A cheeky cheetah taunts and teases a large male lion to the point of frustration; the cheetah is then forced to run for its life.

  • Male Lion Catches and Drags Entire Buffalo

    Male Lion Catches and Drags Entire Buffalo

    A huge male lion drags an entire buffalo all by himself after an epic battle with the herd. He then eats it on the other side of the riverbed.

  • Lizard Manages to Fend Off Lions and Cobra

    Lizard Manages to Fend Off Lions and Cobra

    2 lions bump into a snake on the road and treat it cautiously. A lizard appears out of nowhere, distracting the lions from the retreating snake.

  • Old Lioness Tries Escaping Gang of Hyenas

    Old Lioness Tries Escaping Gang of Hyenas

    A lone lioness is surrounded by hyenas and has to make a run for her life! The hyenas were hot on her heels as she ran into the thick bush to get away from them. 

  • Buffalo Throws Calf into the Air to Save It from Lions

    Buffalo Throws Calf into the Air to Save It from Lions

    Lions chase a herd of buffalo and catch a calf, but the herd returns and mistakenly fling the calf in the air in an attempt to save it.

  • Mom Goes After Lion Cub That’s Washed Away in Flooding River

    Mom Goes After Lion Cub That’s Washed Away in Flooding River

    A lion cub gets swept away in a flooding river and swims for its life to reach mom who swims after it and saves it from drowning. ?

  • Hippo Sneaks up on Lions

    Hippo Sneaks up on Lions

    A hippo sneaks up on a pride of lions that are drinking water. When the hippo gets close, it charges at them, chasing them away from the dam.

  • Pride of Lions Climb Trees to Escape Recent Floods

    Pride of Lions Climb Trees to Escape Recent Floods

    A pride of lions climb a tree to escape the wet ground caused by recent floods and spend their mornings perched like leopards.

  • Lion Tries Hiding from Elephant but Ends Up Getting Sprayed

    Lion Tries Hiding from Elephant but Ends Up Getting Sprayed

    An elephant comes to drink water near a resting lioness. When the lioness sees the elephant, it’s too late, so she hides behind the well. All seems to go well, until the elephant notices her, gets a fright, and sprays her.

  • Lioness Catches Wildebeest by Its Face

    Lioness Catches Wildebeest by Its Face

    A lone lioness catches a wildebeest by its face. Will she be strong enough to bring it down or will she go hungry?

  • Drama as Buffaloes Trample Old Lion

    Drama as Buffaloes Trample Old Lion

    The Northern Avoca Male Lion and the Nkuhuma Pride attempt to hunt buffaloes. The buffaloes retaliate and trample the old lion repeatedly.

  • Leopard Walks Right into a Lion

    Leopard Walks Right into a Lion

    An inquisitive and opportunistic lioness sets her eyes on a young unsuspecting leopard that looks to be an easy target…