Stork has Wings Full With 4 Babies
Not 1, not 2, but 6 of these beautiful and extremely rare storks were seen having a family reunion in the Kruger.
Stork Sticks its Head in the Mouth of a Crocodile to get Meal Back
This stork nearly loses its head after losing its food to a greedy crocodile whilst fishing near the beast!
3 Hungry Birds and Crocodile Fight Over 1 Fish
This incredible scene unfolds when an eagle, a stork, a crocodile, and a heron fight over 1 fish! Who will get away with this nutrient-rich prize?
The UGLY 5 – A Series on Africa’s Famous 5
Now that we’ve covered the big and the small – it’s time to delve into the ugly 5 in part 3 of this series on Africa’s famous 5!
Stork’s Beak Gets Stuck in the Other’s Throat
Two black storks got into a territorial battle which resulted in their long beaks getting stuck in each other’s throats.
Jackal Hunts Marabou Stork after Swimming up to it (Epic Photos!)
This is the intense moment a jackal hunts a marabou stork after swimming up to it – check out these epic photos! All of this, even after it got away when the jackal tried to kill it on land!