Wild Dogs
Showing page 2 of 4 of 61 posts.
Desperate Buck Tries Drowning Wild Dog to Escape
After being caught by a lone wild dog, this Nyala tries to escape by going in to the water, dragging the wild dog in with it. Fortunately, the Nyala’s screams attracts lions which indirectly save it!
Single Baboon Stuck Between 20 Wild Dogs
A lone baboon found itself surrounded by a pack of African wild dogs in a rare encounter. It had to find a way out.
Buck Goes Swimming in an Attempt to Survive
This buck goes swimming in a dam to escape a pack of wild dogs; little did he know that they were so hungry they would swim after him.
Wild Dogs Gang up on Lion to Save Pack Member
This inconceivable moment unravels as a pack of wild dogs gang up on a female lion to save their pack member! The dog caught by the lioness also deserves an Oscar for its performance after faking its death.
Hyena Pushes Wild Dogs into Lions
A lone hyena pushes wild dogs into lions and runs away. The wild dogs are cornered . How will they escape?
Wild Dogs Get Revenge on Leopard that Caught a Puppy
A leopard caught one of these Wild Dogs’ pups, and, so, the pack took revenge!!
Buck Fighting Hippo & Wild Dogs Gets Caught by Crocodile
In this intense moment, this nyala buck is fighting off a hippo and wild dogs simultaneously, only to get caught by a crocodile!
10 Things You May Not Know About African Wild Dogs
African wild dogs are native to Sub-Saharan Africa, and they travel in packs. Their irregularly spotted coat and giant bat-like ears may intimidate you, but in reality, they are incredibly social. We have compiled a blog to share the top 10 facts about these fascinating painted wolves.
Wild Dogs Swim Across Flooding River
See the strength, resilience, and adaptability of wild dogs as they successfully swim across a swollen river.
Why Do African Wild Dogs Have a Taste for Poop?
The science of animal behavior is not new to humans. Nonetheless, many aspects of animal behavior still amaze us. Coprophagia is an example.
Hippo Crushes Buck That’s Stuck in Mud After Wild Dogs Chased It
This bushbuck is stuck between a rock and a hard place. It gets surrounded by wild dogs and chooses to get into a mud wallow with a hippo to try and evade the dogs’ snapping jaws.
Wild Dogs Catch 2 Baby Buffaloes During Stampede
A pack of wild dogs manage to catch 2 baby buffaloes during a stampede and a battle for survival ensues.
Hyena Protects Den From Intruding Wild Dogs
A hyena mom is forced to stand her ground and protect her den from an overly curious pack of 17 wild dogs that are after her pups!
Wild Dog & Hyena Pull Baby Out of Impala That’s Giving Birth
A wild dog and hyena pull a baby out of an impala that’s giving birth after the predators corner the poor antelope!
Wild Dog & Hyena Punching Match
This entertaining showdown between a pack of wild dogs and hyenas saw the wild dogs land a few punches.
Male Lion Ends Alpha Wild Dog’s Reign
This was the heartbreaking moment a male lion ends an alpha female wild dog’s reign – as she horrifically takes one for the team. This sighting happened in the Sabi Sands in the Greater Kruger. Lions are known to be the dominators in the African animal kingdom. Their behavior has testified to this time and…
Battle between Wild Dogs, Hyenas, Hippos & 2 Impalas
You know something exhilarating is going on when wild dogs, hyenas, hippos and 2 impala are involved!
Wild Dog Catches Impala Mid-Air
This unbelievable moment unraveled as a wild dog catches an impala mid-air, ensuring a successfull hunt and meal for the pack!
Where to Spot Wild Dogs in Kruger National Park
The African Wild Dog is a charismatic and exciting animal to watch, this article maps out wild dog sightings based on data from the community
Wild Dogs Gang up on Lion to Save Pack Member
This inconceivable moment unravels as a pack of wild dogs gang up on a female lion to save their pack member! The dog caught by the lioness also deserves an Oscar for its performance after faking its death.