Home Hyenas Hyena Protects Den From Intruding Wild Dogs

Hyena Protects Den From Intruding Wild Dogs

A hyena mom is forced to stand her ground and protect her den from an overly curious pack of 17 wild dogs that are after her pups!

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Hyena Protects Den From Intruding Wild Dogs

A hyena mom is forced to protect her den from an overly curious pack of wild dogs!

Clinton Delport, was busy driving along the H14 road alone, towards the H9 when he spotted hyenas with their pups at the H9 and H14 junction. In Kruger National Park’s Phalaborwa gate. He shares his experience with LatestSightings.com:

Clinton stopped his car and was busy watching the hyenas interacting with one another when all of a sudden, a pack of wild dogs, consisting of 17 pack mates in total, appeared!

Hyena Protects Den From Intruding Wild Dogs

Clinton quickly took out his camera and began filming the interaction between them. “Both the hyenas and the wild dogs stood their ground as the wild dogs began harassing the mother hyena with her cub. The mother hyena, being a mother, did not hesitate to protect her young. One of her young cubs also stood their ground against the harassment, showing how brave he, or she, is.”

“During the exchange, Clinton admits to feeling pretty scared for the young hyenas. Especially in the beginning, as they were completely outnumbered. He realised that this was more a show of force and dominance by the wild dogs than an actual attack. These were the same hyenas that were filmed feeding on a leopard later that month on the 14th of January 2019.”

Hyena Protects Den From Intruding Wild Dogs

“After a short while, the wild dogs lost their interest in the hyenas and went on their way. Moving along the H9 towards Phalaborwa gate. But afterward, though it was clear that the hyenas were a little shaken by their encounter with the dogs, they were okay and kept interacting with and comforting each other.”

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Once the dogs were on their way and the hyenas settled down, Clinton decided to follow the wild dogs. He followed them for about 5km, as the pack moved on the H9 towards the Phalaborwa gate.

Hyena and Older Pup Protect their Den From Intruding Wild Dogs


For Clinton, this was the second time seeing hyenas and wild dogs interact but the first time actually filming it. Interactions between these two canine species are pretty rare sightings, Clinton states, as he has been going to the park every day for the past 5 years and only seen such interactions twice.

All Clinton can advise when coming across a sighting, for any sightseer or photographer visiting the park. “Keep your camera ready and try to keep calm.”

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Hyena Protects Den From Intruding Wild Dogs

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