Home Elephants Family of Elephants Stroll Through the Bush with Babies

Family of Elephants Stroll Through the Bush with Babies

Watch as a family of majestic elephants stroll through the bush with their adorable babies in tow. Witness this heartwarming scene now on our website!

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Witness an adorable scene of majestic elephants traversing through the bush with two tiny babies following suit. Have you ever seen a baby elephant before?

Nick Dale, a wildlife photographer, captured this scene of an elephant family strolling through the bush. The family included two small calves, sticking close to their mother. Female elephants are incredibly protective of their calves and will keep them close at all times. All the female elephants in the herd work together to care for the young, specifically the mother and aunts. For this reason, calves remain dependent on their mothers—and family in general—for at least the first two years of their lives.

Elephant calves watch their elders carefully and mimic them. They learn survival skills, how to eat, and social skills. Playing is an important part of their upbringing as it helps them build up their strength.

Since elephant calves are still relatively small, they are in danger of predators like big cats and hyenas. The rest of the herd pays close attention to their surroundings to ensure the safety of their young.

Adult elephants can live up to 60-70 years in the wild, outliving most other creatures in their vicinity. Their upbringing greatly affects how they are once they are fully grown and matured.

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