Home Crocodiles Huge Croc Pulls Its Dinner Out of the Water

Huge Croc Pulls Its Dinner Out of the Water

Watch in awe as a massive crocodile pulls its dinner out of the water and onto land. Check out the incredible footage on our website now!

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Watch as a massive crocodile drags its delicious dinner out of the water and onto land.

A massive crocodile trudges along in a river, dragging its prey with its huge jaws.
This crocodile likely drowned its prey in the water, which is why it is now dragging its body onto land.
The crocodile finally drags the prey out of the water and onto the riverbank.

Michael Botes at MalaMala Game Reserve witnessed an epic scene of a massive crocodile dragging its prey onto land to eat. Crocodiles often drown their prey in the water for an easier kill, then drag the body onto shore to feed. The water helps to soften the flesh, making it easier for the crocodile to devour the meat.

Crocodiles also bring their prey into the water to protect it from other predators and scavengers. Once it’s safe, they move their food back onto land. Some crocodiles may even eat their prey in the water for convenience.

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