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Showing page 21 of 22 of 437 posts.

  • Doomed Baby Elephant is Rescued From Lions, by Buffaloes!

    Doomed Baby Elephant is Rescued From Lions, by Buffaloes!

    This is the brave moment a herd of buffaloes runs in to save a helpless elephant calf that is being defeated by a pride of hungry lions!

  • Update on the Leopard that Attacked a Camper in Kgalagadi

    Update on the Leopard that Attacked a Camper in Kgalagadi

    Earlier this month, a family were out camping, in the Kgalagadi, at an unfenced camp. During the night, a woman got attacked by a leopard.

  • Shark Tries Its Luck With a Pod of Hippos

    Shark Tries Its Luck With a Pod of Hippos

    Here is a new type of sighting for us! Our first video highlighting any shark action. This is the moment a pod of hippos are confronted by a shark.

  • When the Cheetah Tries to Eat the Lamb

    When the Cheetah Tries to Eat the Lamb

    This video is an emotional one for some, but an amazing sighting nonetheless. This experience for a young cheetah is going to help it become an incredible hunter!

  • 2017’s Top 10 Best Sightings

    2017’s Top 10 Best Sightings

    Watch our top favourite wildlife videos for 2017. Which is your favourite?

  • Buffalo Flips a Sleeping Lion!

    Buffalo Flips a Sleeping Lion!

    It’s normally the predator that lands up as the winner in a hunting situation, however, this unfortunate lioness saw herself flying away.

  • Buck Tries the High-Jump Over Lions

    Buck Tries the High-Jump Over Lions

    This was just a hop, skip and jump into the bellies of a lucky pride of lions taking a leisurely stroll on the road.

  • Hawk Rips Head off Baby Bird

    Hawk Rips Head off Baby Bird

    This is the intense moment an African Harrier Hawk was caught raiding a weaver’s nest to steal one of the chicks as an easy meal.

  • 2 Hyenas Brutally Kill Another Hyena

    2 Hyenas Brutally Kill Another Hyena

    This is the harrowing moment a lone hyena was brutally killed by two rivals! It could be for dominance, or for invasion of territory, what d

  • Lion Quickly Attacks Car!

    Lion Quickly Attacks Car!

    The scary moment a male lion attacks a car just after mating with a lioness! We have the full story!

  • Lioness Rescues Her 6 Cubs

    Lioness Rescues Her 6 Cubs

    Elephants noticed lionesses with their cubs and chased them away! The mothers were able to find all but one, the cub that was left behind.

  • Lioness Escapes from the Kruger National Park!

    Lioness Escapes from the Kruger National Park!

    A lioness escaped from Kruger yesterday and Mario made sure she would return safely! He called authorities and immediately they came to the rescue.

  • Cheetah Kills Impala That It chased Into Car

    Cheetah Kills Impala That It chased Into Car

    These cheetahs spotted a herd of impala and gave chase, now watch what they do after they chased an impala into a car.

  • Lion Bites Tyre Causing it to Explode

    Lion Bites Tyre Causing it to Explode

    “What do you think it’s going to do to the car? It looks like it’s biting the tyre! BOOM” Watch as a family record a lion biting their car tyre.

  • Mongoose Uses Snake as Swing

    Mongoose Uses Snake as Swing

    Everyone enjoys a bit of time on a swing every now and then. Seems this mongoose was a thrill-seeking one too. Nothing like burning off calories before the meal has even begun…

  • Leopard Surprises Impala With a Quick Kill!

    Leopard Surprises Impala With a Quick Kill!

    As a few unsuspecting buck pass by this incredibly well-camouflaged predator, one of them was about to meet their fateful end…

  • Leopard Takes on 9 Wild Dogs

    Leopard Takes on 9 Wild Dogs

    A pack of wild dogs happily digging into their meal did not expect it to be short-lived as this leopard ordered himself an easy drive through.

  • The Moment 20 Lions All Drink in Perfect Unison

    The Moment 20 Lions All Drink in Perfect Unison

    This is the magical moment a pride of 20 lions lined up one by one next to each other, to have a drink from the Sabie River.

  • Lions Kill Zebra While Chasing Young Males from Pride

    Lions Kill Zebra While Chasing Young Males from Pride

    Not often is the sight of lions killing a zebra the least of the action! This sighting started with the lions killing a zebra, and ended with them chasing a male from the pride.

  • First Sight of a Wild Dog Den at Kruger

    First Sight of a Wild Dog Den at Kruger

    Sightings of wild dogs plummet during August, as it is denning season, but Corne didn’t have trouble as he knew exactly where the den was.