

  • Watch How Wildebeest Walks Right Into Lions

    Watch How Wildebeest Walks Right Into Lions

    Wildebeests couldn’t see 4 lionesses lying on the road right in front, so they kept walking towards them. Turns out that it wasn’t all the lions, and danger was even closer!

  • Watch how Lions Steal Buffalo from Wild Dogs After Intense Chase

    Watch how Lions Steal Buffalo from Wild Dogs After Intense Chase

    Hungry wild dogs took advantage of the drought and took down a full-sized buffalo. But, the buffalo’s calls for help attracted lions instead, who wanted to claim the prize for themselves!

  • Buffalo Smashes Into Audi To Get Away From Lions

    Buffalo Smashes Into Audi To Get Away From Lions

    It was incredible to see these 3 lions and 3 hyenas trying to take down a large buffalo. Watch how the buffalo turns to take its frustration out on a nearby vehicle!!

  • Old Hyena Gives Itself Up to The Lions

    Old Hyena Gives Itself Up to The Lions

    A couple of lions recently were lying in the road when an old hyena wandered right into their space. The lions jumped up to grab it, and, the frail hyena acted just as if he surrendered to them, like he knew it was over. 

  • Eagle Catches & Fights Baby Warthog

    Eagle Catches & Fights Baby Warthog

    You should always stop for the little things, because you never know where a sighting might lead! Here is an incredible sighting of a live kill!

  • Waterbuck Survives Crocodile Attack

    Waterbuck Survives Crocodile Attack

    A crocodile grabbed hold of a waterbuck and tried to take it down. But the waterbuck fought hard for its life!

  • Hawk Tries to Kill Cuckoo Bird

    Hawk Tries to Kill Cuckoo Bird

    This vicious hawk tries to kill a cuckoo bird and doesn’t let it get off lightly. At one stage the feathers were literally flying….

  • Cheetah Chases Impala into BMW

    Cheetah Chases Impala into BMW

    This was the astonishing moment various visitors witnessed a cheetah take down an impala right in front of their eyes – chasing it into a BMW!

  • Wild Dogs Gang up on Lion to Save Pack Member

    Wild Dogs Gang up on Lion to Save Pack Member

    This inconceivable moment unravels as a pack of wild dogs gang up on a female lion to save their pack member! The dog caught by the lioness also deserves an Oscar for its performance after faking its death.



    Watch this nonstop and dramatic back and forth action that occurred when a pride of 30 lions targeted a thirsty herd of buffalo. The herd comes back and tries its best to rescue the calves of the herd. This exhilarating sighting was captured by 62-year-old, David Pinkernell, a retired Hewlett Packard employee who enjoys traveling…

  • Male Lion Rescues Warthog from Other Lions

    Male Lion Rescues Warthog from Other Lions

    2 Lionesses pounced at the opportunity to catch a warthog. But the pride male lion’s eagerness ruined the hunt for everyone!

  • 4 Cheetahs Against 1

    4 Cheetahs Against 1

    This incredible encounter played out when 4 cheetahs were not too happy having a solo cheetah enter their territory.

  • Giraffe Gives Lions a Ride!

    Giraffe Gives Lions a Ride!

    Lions love giraffes, because it is a massive meal that can last sometimes up to a week! But, this just looks like the giraffe was not giving up….

  • Cornered Crocodile is Forced to Attack 5 Lions

    Cornered Crocodile is Forced to Attack 5 Lions

    These lions left their waterbuck scraps lying around, which a crocodile thought was an easy meal. But, no, these lions weren’t giving up their scraps so easy.

  • Wild Dogs Get Revenge on Leopard that Caught a Puppy

    Wild Dogs Get Revenge on Leopard that Caught a Puppy

    A leopard caught one of these Wild Dogs’ pups, and, so, the pack took revenge!!

  • Zebras Fighting – Battle of the Stripes

    Zebras Fighting – Battle of the Stripes

    Zebras are not always the quiet complacent striped horses you drive past in the bush, when males come head to head, their fights can be brutal.

  • Lion Tries Running Faster than Cheetah

    Lion Tries Running Faster than Cheetah

    A cheeky cheetah taunts and teases a large male lion to the point of frustration; the cheetah is then forced to run for its life.

  • Male Lion Catches and Drags Entire Buffalo

    Male Lion Catches and Drags Entire Buffalo

    A huge male lion drags an entire buffalo all by himself after an epic battle with the herd. He then eats it on the other side of the riverbed.

  • Old Lioness Tries Escaping Gang of Hyenas

    Old Lioness Tries Escaping Gang of Hyenas

    A lone lioness is surrounded by hyenas and has to make a run for her life! The hyenas were hot on her heels as she ran into the thick bush to get away from them. 

  • Rhino Charges Car Down the Road

    Rhino Charges Car Down the Road

    A white rhino charges a safari vehicle, this rhino did not like this car for some reason and chased it a long way down the road. ?