It is not every day one sees a honey badger – especially not a mom and a baby and in broad daylight at that! This heart-warming moment happened as a mommy honey badger was seen carrying her baby to safety in the middle of the road!
This incredible sighting was tinged by Pieter Venter from Bryanston Safaris, 15km North of Melkvlei in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier National Park.

Honey badgers are well-known for their ferocious personalities, not taking nonsense from any animal in the wild. They eat anything from eggs, and birds to snakes and lizards. Pretty much anything is fair game and regarded as prey for these mammals. Honey badgers are generally nocturnal, referring to them being more active at night, but of course, with nature anything is possible.

What makes this sighting so rare?
These creatures gestate for roughly 6 months and can give birth to 2 – 4 babies. Generally, honey badgers are solitary animals, unless a brief association is witnessed during mating season or if they are seen with their young. Either way, seeing one of these beauties is not common.

One of our tingers recently had the privilege of seeing a mother carrying her cub in broad daylight! Pieter shares this moment with LatestSightings.com:

Mommy badger carries her Baby to safety in the middle of the road – and then disappears
“We drove up to Nossob and spotted something in the middle of the road. My initial thought was that it was a Bateleur on the road. After getting closer I realised that it was in fact a honey badger carrying a baby – I was SO excited! I have never seen anything like this. We then followed her for a while until she found a drainage line to disappear in.”
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“My advice to any wildlife enthusiast would be to just have patience when on safari. Always be on the lookout and always be excited. And of course, always be kind and greet your fellow travelers – you never know what you might learn or find out.”
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