After a very long fight with lions, Mother Nature wasn’t done with this buffalo!!
Sian Green, freelance guide, tells LatestSightings.com the story: “This old buffalo bull, generally known as a “dagga boy”, was exhausted after a long fight with a pride of lions. Luckily for the buffalo, he beat the lions and survived the attack. It was all over for the night! Or so he thought…

When buffaloes are under attack by predators, they make a call, so as to attract back-up from a nearby herd. But, dagga boys are solitary, mostly, so the calls usually end up alerting other predators of the attack.

“A very brave hyena must have heard the commotion and came to see what was going on. The hyena carefully approaches the tired-out buffalo bull (Dagga boy). Even though the buffalo thought he won against a pride of lions, mother nature wasn’t done with him.”

“The hyena could probably see that the buffalo was still in shock, and so while the buffalo was so exhausted, the hyena sneaks from behind sees an opening, and grabs onto the buffalo’s balls!”
“The buffalo is obviously in shock and in pain and quickly reacts to escape the hyena’s hold.”
The buffalo must have had some good practice with fighting off the lions, and managed to fight off the hyena too.
The hyena and buffalo part ways, but as nature goes that was the last that buffalo was seen alive.