Home Hunt Lioness Tracks Down Wild Dogs from 4kms Away

Lioness Tracks Down Wild Dogs from 4kms Away

Watch how this lioness smells her way to a pack of wild dogs over 4kms away! When she finds them, she gives them the fright of their lives

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We did a poll yesterday, and, out of 21,000+ votes, 48% of people thought that a lioness would only be able to track down wild dogs from around 500m.

Watch how this lioness smells her way to a pack of wild dogs over 4kms away! When she finally finds them, she gives them the fright of their lives.

This exciting sighting was captured by 28-year-old accountant, Ricardo de Fonseca, while on a self-drive near Renosterkoppies on the S114, Kruger National Park.

Ricardo, who also runs Big on Wild, tells LatestSightings.com the story: “Earlier that morning I had seen a pride of lions on the S22 and a pack of wild dogs close to Renosterkoppies on the S114. I wasn’t sure what scent the lioness had picked up. As she approached the S114/S22 junction she continued on the S114.”

“At that stage, I knew the lioness was onto the wild dogs. I made a quick dash back to the wild dogs who were about 4km away from where I initially spotted the lioness.”

“I waited in anticipation behind the wild dogs and a couple of minutes later I saw her appear in the distance. I knew I was in for some action!”

“As she approached closer, the wild dogs were unaware of her presence. Luckily for the wild dogs, she came charging in from quite a distance away which alerted the wild dogs. They all scattered and got away unscathed.”

“The lioness eventually gave up on her pursuit and moved off into the bushes and the wild dogs split up initially but eventually rejoined and went to rest at the S22/S114 junction.”


“It was amazing to watch her on the trail of the scent and a very exciting sighting to witness. This was a first for me and an extremely rare sighting to see the lioness and wild dogs interact.”

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