Home Lion Top 10: Wildest Moments of the Week

Top 10: Wildest Moments of the Week

Prepare to be amazed by the most astonishing wildlife encounters of the week! Each moment is captured in stunning detail, bringing you closer than ever to the untamed beauty of the animal kingdom.

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Prepare to be amazed by the most astonishing wildlife encounters of the week! Each moment is captured in stunning detail, bringing you closer than ever to the untamed beauty of the animal kingdom.

Prepare to be amazed by the most astonishing wildlife encounters of the week! Each moment is captured in stunning detail, bringing you closer than ever to the untamed beauty of the animal kingdom.

10. Rhino Takes on Mega Pride of Lions

Taken by: Mark Fox

Filmed at: Kruger National Park

On a lazy afternoon in the heart of the African savannah, a pride of lions was taking it easy, sprawled out in the tall, golden grass. They were soaking up the sun, enjoying a nap, when out of nowhere, a massive rhino decided to crash the party.

On a lazy afternoon in the heart of the African savannah, a pride of lions was taking it easy, sprawled out in the tall, golden grass. They were soaking up the sun, enjoying a nap, when out of nowhere, a massive rhino decided to crash the party.

9. Lizard Looks for Eggs in Crocodile’s Nest

Taken by: Mark Fox

Filmed at: Kruger National Park

A vigilant crocodile guards her nest of precious eggs, unaware of the stealthy monitor lizard lurking nearby. As the crocodile slips into the river, the opportunistic lizard seizes its moment. It creeps toward the nest and begins its search for a meal among the unguarded eggs.

A vigilant crocodile guards her nest of precious eggs, unaware of the stealthy monitor lizard lurking nearby. As the crocodile slips into the river, the opportunistic lizard seizes its moment. It creeps toward the nest and begins its search for a meal among the unguarded eggs.

8. Hyena Hides Under Car to Escape Wild Dogs

Taken by: Michael Botes

Filmed at: MalaMala Game Reserve

Ranger Michael couldn’t contain his laughter during this unforgettable hyena sighting. As usual, the scavenging hyena lingered near a pack of wild dogs, hoping to snatch a morsel of their meal. However, the wild dogs were determined to protect their catch and swiftly cornered the hyena near the safari vehicle. In a desperate attempt to avoid their bites, the hyena had no choice but to slink under the car in a comical display of defeat.

Ranger Michael couldn’t contain his laughter during this unforgettable hyena sighting. As usual, the scavenging hyena lingered near a pack of wild dogs, hoping to snatch a morsel of their meal. However, the wild dogs were determined to protect their catch and swiftly cornered the hyena near the safari vehicle. In a desperate attempt to avoid their bites, the hyena had no choice but to slink under the car in a comical display of defeat.

7. Eagle Figures Out How to Snatch Snake

Taken by: Kerry-Lee Roberg

Filmed at: MalaMala Game Reserve

This eagle skillfully captured a snake for a tasty snack. However, a sudden gust of wind caused the eagle to drop its prey onto a low branch. Undeterred by the blustery conditions, the eagle balanced deftly in the swirling breeze, bent down and swiftly reclaimed its prize. It rewarded itself by devouring the snake whole in a matter of seconds, a testament to its remarkable hunting prowess and agility.

This eagle skillfully captured a snake for a tasty snack. However, a sudden gust of wind caused the eagle to drop its prey onto a low branch. Undeterred by the blustery conditions, the eagle balanced deftly in the swirling breeze, bent down and swiftly reclaimed its prize. It rewarded itself by devouring the snake whole in a matter of seconds, a testament to its remarkable hunting prowess and agility.

6. Buffalo Circle Lion in a Tree

Taken by: Victoria Craddock & Chad Hobson

Filmed at: MalaMala Game Reserve

An unlucky lion chased by buffalo finds himself trapped by two grumpy herds! He climbs a tree in defense but leaves his “behind” open. That might not have been the wisest move… 😂

An unlucky lion chased by buffalo finds himself trapped by two grumpy herds! He climbs a tree in defense but leaves his “behind” open. That might not have been the wisest move… 😂

5. Hippos Surrounded by Wild Dogs

Taken by: Gareth van Rooyen

Filmed at: MalaMala Game Reserve

Tensions rise as a pack of wild dogs circles a lone hippo, forcing it into a defensive position. With the persistent wild dogs probing for an opening, the standoff intensifies. Hippos feel safest when they are in the water as it helps support their body weight, making it easier to move, and provides some safety from predators. It is no surprise that this hippo decided to quickly dash into the small water pool, making a splash of its mighty force.

Tensions rise as a pack of wild dogs circles a lone hippo, forcing it into a defensive position. With the persistent wild dogs probing for an opening, the standoff intensifies. Hippos feel safest when they are in the water as it helps support their body weight, making it easier to move, and provides some safety from predators. It is no surprise that this hippo decided to quickly dash into the small water pool, making a splash of its mighty force.

4. Old Lioness Tries to Catch Anything

Taken by: Mark Fox

Filmed at: Kruger National Park

This weary lioness has certainly seen better days. A few porcupine quills protrude from her skin, evidence of a recent encounter with the prickly creature. Clearly in need of a good meal, she is now desperate, attempting to catch any small prey that crosses her path.

3. Elephant Cancels Crocodile’s Meal

Taken by: Nic Nel

Filmed at: MalaMala Game Reserve

A stealthy crocodile lurks just a few feet away from a herd of zebras drinking at the waterhole, creating a palpable tension in the air. Suddenly, an elephant ambles into the scene, scattering the zebras as it moves closer to the crocodile. Sensing an opportunity, the crocodile lunges at one of the striped horses. Unfortunately for the croc, it misses its target, and the elephant’s unexpected arrival ruined its plans.

2. Buffalo Stuck and Surrounded by Lions

Taken by: Pieter van Wyk

Filmed at: MalaMala Game Reserve

This is the awesome scene where a herd of buffalo closes ranks on a pride of eight hungry lions and rescues a stricken older bull from danger.

This is the awesome scene where a herd of buffalo closes ranks on a pride of eight hungry lions and rescues a stricken older bull from danger.

1. Wild Dogs Try to Catch Antelope on the Edge of a Cliff

Filmed at: MalaMala Game Reserve

A pack of wild dogs, Africa’s most successful hunters, cornered three klipspringers on the edge of a large rock. With no escape route except up or down into the waiting dogs, the klipspringers were forced to hold their ground. Fortunately, their natural evolution has equipped them to thrive on rocky outcrops, with hooves perfectly adapted for navigating precarious positions on the rocks.

A pack of wild dogs, Africa’s most successful hunters, cornered three klipspringers on the edge of a large rock. With no escape route except up or down into the waiting dogs, the klipspringers were forced to hold their ground. Fortunately, their natural evolution has equipped them to thrive on rocky outcrops, with hooves perfectly adapted for navigating precarious positions on the rocks.

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