Home Kill Kudu Being Admired From Tourist’s Room Gets Caught by Hyena

Kudu Being Admired From Tourist’s Room Gets Caught by Hyena

Watch the unbelievable and up-close sighting of guests at Kings Camp admiring a baby kudu that was at their window. Just as one says “imagin

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Watch the unbelievable and up-close sighting of guests at Kings Camp admiring a baby kudu that was at their window. Just as one says “imagine if a cat jumps on it”, a Spotted Hyaena jumps on it!

This dramatic sighting was filmed by 22-year-old WealthPLAN Partners Consultant, Weston Behlen, 2 days ago while in his room at King’s Camp Private Reserve in the Timbavati, Greater Kruger.

Weston tells LatestSightings.com the story: “My friends, Mike, Wyatt, and I were hanging out in the front loft when we heard something slam into the door from outside. We then realized it was a kudu that was foaming at the mouth from being nervous.”

“Its tail was missing which caused bleeding from behind. After a short time, a hyena came out of the bush and bit the kudu, chasing it around our front yard. The hyena then bit the neck of the kudu and broke it, leading to a quick and easy meal.”

“After this, the hyena began disemboweling the kudu. Then it began to call to other hyenas which joined shortly after to finish the meal. The kudu carcass was then dragged off of our yard and away from the Villa by both hyenas.”


“We were in complete shock because we did not know if the animals would break the glass and fall into our villa or what would happen next. Being from Omaha, we don’t get to see many things like this at all, so it took us completely by surprise. It ended up being a pretty exhilarating and adrenaline-raising moment.”

“The sighting ended when the hyenas dragged the carcass off of our property and into the bush. The advice I would give to someone experiencing this would be to take in the moment as much as you can. This is a rare happening and it was super fascinating to experience a kill. Especially in our front yard!”

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