Showing page 18 of 22 of 437 posts.
This Is Why The Lionesses Hunt
In the history of the animal kingdom, there is an idea that only the lionesses hunt. This isn’t so true, but after this, maybe it should be.
How To Wake Up a Baby Elephant
“But mom, I don’t wanna get up!” If you’re a parent, then you have heard a version of this from your children! But, this is how to wake up a baby elephant.
The Effects of a Drought
Drought is a natural phenomenon that occurs throughout nature and has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Learn more in this articl
This is What Actually Killed the Giraffe That Was Stuck
Recently, there was a sighting that touched many hearts all over social media. A giraffe stranded in the river. Here’s the story of what
How Not to Wake Up a Lioness
Watch a massive male lion’s intense creep up to a sleeping lioness. Just as you think he is going to lie down next to her, he wakes her up…
Rhino Charges and Hits Car
Being a wildlife monitor, Sam Vorster gets to spend a lot of time amongst animals. That said, Sam has had 2 close-calls now with Black Rhino
Eagle Catches & Fights Baby Warthog
You should always stop for the little things, because you never know where a sighting might lead! Here is an incredible sighting of a live kill!
Leopard Catches Impala Mid-Air!
This must be one of the most text-book hunts ever seen! A leopard spotted a herd of impala, took its time and struck!
Top Wildlife Videos of 2018
2018 was an amazing year for Latest Sightings! This year our videos reached 237,000,000 views! Watch the best here!
Wild Dogs Tear Hare in Half
If you have a pet rabbit, then maybe this video isn’t for you. Wild dogs chased a hare into a hole. They then dug it out and literally ripped it apart!
Baby Bird Leaves Nest, Survives Hawk Attack, Gets Eaten by Crocodile
When destiny is out to get you… A little bird’s life started out by being attacked by a hawk. It escaped, but only to meet a hungry crocodile.
Lion Cornered by Hyenas Calls for Backup
Everyone remembers that scene from The Lion King where Simba is cornered by hyenas and Mufasa appears out of nowhere to the rescue.
Buffalo Birth and Cute First Steps
During this rainy time of year, begins the journey of many animals. Animals in the African bush time their births in the rainy season.
Cheetahs and Hyenas Eat Impala Alive!
Sometimes, nature is not for the fainthearted. It can all seem so cruel how predators eat their prey, but nature is nature and it doesn’t have feelings.
Leopard Jumps on Impala From Tree!
This sneaky leopard hid silently in a tree before jumping on its unsuspecting prey from above. The predator is almost impossible to see as it blends in with the tree.
The rhinoceros’ species have been around for far longer than humans have, unfortunately we have been responsible for the mass killing of thousands of these ancient creatures.
Lion Tries Stealing Food from Leopard
Graeme, was watching a leopard that had gone hunting. The leopard killed a buck & some nearby lions heard the commotion!
Leopard Death Battle in the Road!
This might be one the best timing and luckiest sightings ever! Two leopards battling it out in the middle of the road!!
Wild Dogs Take 5 Buffalo Calves in an EPIC Feeding Frenzy!
Wild dogs are known as one of the animal kingdom’s most successful hunters, almost 80% success rate. This video shows you exactly why!
Developing Story: Lion Escaped from the Kruger Park
This weekend being the Heritage Day long weekend, the many wildlife enthusiasts that were on on their way to Crocodile Bridge or Malelane gates.