Playful Hyena Pups Show Off Their Wild Side
Get ready to witness the playful and wild side of hyena pups in this heartwarming video. Watch as they showcase their mischievous antics and sibling rivalry!
Giraffe Takes First Steps 5 Minutes After Birth
Witness the miracle of life as a mother giraffe gives birth and helps her newborn take its first steps. Watch the heartwarming footage captured by Johan Van Zyl from Wild Eye on LatestSightings.com.
The Most Excited Baby Rhino Ever!
Watch the heart-melting moment of an excited baby rhino!
Lizard Makes Kruger Campers Tent its New Home
A couple grows attached to a Rock Monitor Lizard that joins campers makes itself at home in their tent. During their 5-week stay at Satara, the charismatic lizard used the tent as a new shelter and brought endless wonder and amusement to the couple that embraced their unique house mate.
Wildebeest Helps His Dying Friend Back Up!
A “dying” wildebeests friend was concerned with him being on the ground and helped him get back up by trying to fling him into the air.
Mom Goes After Lion Cub That’s Washed Away in Flooding River
A lion cub gets swept away in a flooding river and swims for its life to reach mom who swims after it and saves it from drowning. ?
Buffalo Has Time of Its Life in the Mud
A normally fierce buffalo bull decides to display his more playful side when he rolls about in a mud puddle on the banks of the river.
Leopard Teaches Cubs How to Cross the Road
A mother leopard helps her cubs cross a busy road in the middle of the Kruger National Park. Their fear makes it harder than it should be.
Tiny Bear Cub Stands Up and Captivates the World
A little bear cub stands on two legs and wobbles for a bit, captivating its spectators with its cute antics. ?
Wrestling Otters Slip and Slide on Ice
A family of otters are having the time of their lives playing on the ice. Slipping, sliding, and rolling all over each other. They eventually swim away.
Elusive Honey Badger Mother Caught Carrying Cub to Den
An elusive honey badger mother carries her tiny cub in her jaws in broad daylight, perhaps she is in search of a safer den site?
Chameleon Caught Helping Lazy Locust Cross the Road
A rather lazy locust utilizes the scaly back of a flap-necked chameleon to cross a busy road in the Pilanesberg nature reserve. Is a ride all he wanted, or was there more to it?
Impala Lambs Fall With the First Rains
It’s that time of the year again — the first rains have fallen and new life begins to sprout. The young impala lambs are finally here!
Rare Lion Birth Caught On Camera
Yesterday a rare lion birth was caught on camera. A lioness gave birth and then proceeded to hide her newborn cub in a well-hidden drainage line.
Wildebeest Calf Thinks this Car is Its Mother (Happy Ending)
This baby wildebeest wanders off from the herd. After realising he may be lost, he finds a “replacement” mother in the form of a blue car…
Pangolin REALLY Loves Swimming
This adorable pangolin REALLY loves swimming and has no care in the world, once she’s in the water!
Elephants Help Calf That Can’t Get Up the Ridge
Watch the special moment a herd of elephants stops what they are doing to help a calf that can’t get up the ridge.
Honey Badger Seen Carrying Baby to Safety in the Middle of the Road
This heart-warming moment happened as a Mommy honey badger was seen carrying her baby to safety in the middle of the road!
Cheetah Takes Closer Look At Cricket
Cheetah Takes Closer Look At Cricket
Lions Intrude on Wedding Proposal While Camping
This is the special moment lions disturbed the engagement of a couple literally seconds after she said “yes”!